The North Devon Coast has many miles of very varied and spectacular coastline much of it well worth exploring so when James suggested a trip to check out a cove near Ilfracombe I was keen. Lee Bay is a secluded Wooded Valley that descends to a fascinating stretch of coastline intersected by the South West Coast path much of the land in the custodianship of the National Trust.

James had suggested a short trip to explore the coves with a fishing rod perhaps incorporating a swim. We arrived shortly after Low water and walked out along the beach following a fascinating pathway cut into the rocky foreshore.

The path leads to a secluded beach sheltered from the prevailing South Westerly. This was where James intended to take a swim. But before cooling off we ventured beyond the cove through a maze of gulley’s that lead to a rugged rocky foreshore that screamed bass.

We had a few casts but with the tide flooding time was limited and we headed back to the cove where James plunged into the clear waters to cool down.

I stepped out onto the rocks and cast a lure whilst savouring the unfamiliar topography.

I didn’t really expect to catch and joined James on the beach suggesting we head back to Ilfracombe and try for a mackerel as the tide flooded.

Ilfracombe was a contrast to the secret coves of Lee Bay with its bustling harbour and people all around. After catching up with the cricket score we took our lure rods to the rocks near the pier and cast shiny metals into the clear water.

The aqua blues and greens of the sea with white breaking waves against rocky foreshores were exhilarating. We spied vast shoals of sandeel shimmering and shoaling close in against the shoreline. Birds were working out in the tide a sign that mackerel or bass were hunting.

A burst of life upon the water caught my attention and I cast my lure into the general direction. After a couple of casts came that pleasing thump as a mackerel hit the lure. Over the next twenty minutes we added four more mackerel to the tally. Fresh from the sea we looked forward to them lightly grilled or pan fried for tomorrow’s breakfast or dinner.

I was delighted to share the shoreline with James seeing the sea as it should be with abundant fish and prey. A lively moving eco system that can be enjoyed if only we could learn to use it in a sustainable fashion taking only our fair share.

As the tide forced us to retreat again we strolled along the harbour to pick up  delicious burgers and a Katsu box from Paul Lorrimore’s

It would have been nice to savour the food sat on a bench overlooking the harbour but Ilfracombe’s seagulls made us retreat to the safety of the car parked beneath Verity’s towering presence.

            The end of another perfect day in North Devon.

Richard Wilsons Fish Rise – Summer Reading: Hemingwhy?

I am delighted to be able to publish Richard Wilson’s regular articles on North Devon Angling News. This months is close to my own heart with angling books and authors on the agenda.

In Praise of Negley Farson

It’s that time of year again – summertime, holidays, excitement! I can hardly contain my inner grouch. Everything is a Buster … bonk-, bunny-, block- and so on. Book lists proliferate, making it clear that a lot of people only read on a beach (or at Christmas).

I think beaches are for avoiding and Christmas is for grumbling. Reading, on the other hand, is one of life’s great pleasures and needs no encouragement. Just do it.

This summer my off-the-beach bugbear is Hemingway and can be summed up in a single word: Why?

For a growing number of people it takes 3 sentences to explain him: “He was selfish and egomaniacal, a faithless husband and a treacherous friend. He drank too much, he brawled and bragged too much, he was a thankless son and a negligent father. He was also a great writer,” Prof Angela O’Donnell. Or you can have it in one: Great writer, shame about the man.

In recent years Hemingway’s character and grand-standing private life have taken a battering. Now, amidst the wreckage of character assassination, just the mighty wordsmith is left standing: Hemingway the Great Writer.

Well, maybe. Back in the heyday of hard-living literary narcissists, Hemingway had rivals.  Among them was Negley Farson, an all-American adventurer, iconoclast, much-loved author, arms dealer, star foreign correspondent, fly fisher, sailor and raging alcoholic who ended his days in oblivion (drunk in rural England).

When both men died in 1960/1, Hemingway ruled the roost. Not now. Online, Farson’s Going Fishing is out-selling Hemingway’s Big Two-Hearted River by 4:1.  This is an unreliable snapshot taken as I write this, but it’s well deserved. And while students buy Hemingway because they must – he’s on the syllabus – people read Farson because they want to. They do it because Going Fishing is one of the finest fishing books ever written and because Farson’s non-fishing books, once best sellers, are also on a bounce.

Farson was a glorious, swaggering misfit.  Born in 1890 and raised in New Jersey by his grandfather, a cantankerous Civil War general, he lived for writing, drinking, travelling and fishing. And then again.

He was a First World War pilot for the British and then headed to Russia for the Revolution as an arms dealer. He was a rock star among American foreign correspondents back when foreign correspondents were household names, interviewed Hitler and reported from Germany as a Nazi mob stormed the Reichstag and felled German democracy.  He witnessed Ghandi’s arrest by the British, was there to see John Dillinger’s corpse and, in-between times, there were Franco, Mussolini and global travel by boat, donkey and on foot.

He modestly billed his 1942 ‘Going Fishing’, as “just the story of some rods and the places they take you to.”  It arrived, as only a Farson book could, with a review by fishing writer and fighter pilot Hugh Falkus.  This might seem routine, but Falkus was incarcerated in Oflag IV-C, better known as Colditz; the prisoner-of-war camp where the Nazis locked up Allied troublemakers. ‘Going Fishing’ got into Colditz.

Farson drank Hemingway under the table, partied with F Scott Fitzgerald and confessed “I would never have believed it if anyone had told me so; but even the sight of a nude girl at the piano was beginning to pall.” More Hemingway than Hemingway you might think, and you’d be right.

Yet Farson is cursed by Hemingway’s shadow. Even his biography was patronisingly titled “Almost Hemingway”. This was as undeserved as it was offensive and wrong; Farson was the real deal while Hemmingway was striking a pose.

Both men were headstrong and deeply flawed characters who learned their craft in newspaper journalism. Hemingway picked up his minimalist ‘Iceberg Theory’ of writing as a junior reporter at the Kansas City Star. The paper’s newsroom stylebook (a feature of newsrooms worldwide) laid out a modest set of rules which I’ll rehash briefly: Write stripped-down sentences using Anglo-Saxon words. Take care with adjectives because they can reveal more about the writer than the subject.  For a modern take on this see the Economist Style Book, available from Amazon and good bookstores. These rules are timeless and are as true today as they were then.

It’s also a long and well-trodden path. Here’s another former journalist: “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”  Only Churchill’s last scornful word is French. Read it out loud and Google the speech for a masterclass.

Churchill’s words are as fresh now as they were in the darkest hours of the early 1940s. Likewise, Farson’s writing still leaps effortlessly off the page with the direct, no-nonsense clarity of a celebrated newsman honed on the Chicago Daily News, then a world-leading newspaper orbiting high above the Kansas City Star.

Yet, in contrast to Farson and Churchill, Hemingway’s writing can sound pretentious (a French word, of course) to modern ears. For example, the grating and self-indulgent repetitions:

“The trunks of the trees went straight up or slanted toward each other. The trunks were straight and brown without branches. The branches were high above.”

The Big Two-Hearted River

For modern readers, Hemingway has lost his fizz. Much of what once seemed innovative is now tired, and those repetitions wouldn’t have passed the sub-editors’ desk in Kansas.

Then there’s the image: Hemingway’s projected mid-life persona was aspirational for the age he lived in.  But, nowadays, strong storylines and tight prose amount to nothing set against all those gloating pictures. The great white hunter, the slaughtered Marlin and machine-gunned shark are seared into our collective psyche. He’s the journalist who claimed to have killed German prisoners of war. That would be murder. So a new generation of readers think he’s the braggart poster boy for toxic masculinity and misogyny. That some of his writing is still great doesn’t matter.  A trashed image trumps everything and that this is self-inflicted makes it worse.

So, if you’ve never read Negley Farson, please do.  For the many who have, including me, Going Fishing is the finest autobiographical fishy book in a crowded field. His friend, F Scott Fitzgerald, confessed that while he had relied on imagination for compelling stories, Negley could simply draw on life.

Farson is still a great writer with an indelible legacy. And he’s long overdue a return to the limelight.

So, to whoever writes his next biography, the correct title is “Better than Hemingway”.

“Farson lived each day as if it were a door that needed kicking in.“

Rex Bowman, co-author of “Almost Hemingway”, getting it right.

Why Hemingway? I don’t know – no good reason I can think of. But I can tell you why Farson: He’s a great writer who has passed the test of time.

For more of Richards wisdom click on the link below

My own thoughts on books and authors.

Reading and writing are fascinating topics and I try to do a bit of both. Books are wonderful and good ones do indeed stand the test of time remaining in print and relevant for decades or even centuries. The rapid expansion of the internet and digital produce caused concern that the book in its hardback or paperback form had had its day. Fortunately, the book in its printed form is going strong and looking at the shelves in Tesco and Waterstones is testament to the longevity of the books and readers preference for something tangible and tactile. 

When I write I try to entertain, inform and record memories or moments in time. Angling authors abound and I have my favourites and these are perhaps those who manage to capture the essence of angling in prose that flows easily from the page. Choosing favourites is almost impossible but Chris Yates, H.T. Sheringham and BB have to be close to the top of my own list. Richard Wilson touches upon the characters and what type of people they were. To some extent this is determined by their place in society. Hemingway, Farson, Zane Grey, Hugh Falkus and Mitchell Hedges are all author’s that I would guess were rather arrogant larger than life chaps who liked a beer or two and lived fast and loose. The typical swashbuckling movie idol of the time? Chris Yates, BB and H.T. Sheringham are writers of a more genteel and idyllic prose who paint a different picture with their pen. To link waters with the psychological profile of the author is perhaps a little deep but could however make for a fascinating read.

Wayne Thomas




Sometimes it’s good to just go fishing for the day no agendas just a day with a friend catching up. I had not fished at Riverton Fishery for several years and when Gary suggested a day there I was keen to revisit. There are three lakes at the fishery a float fishing lake, Willow Lake and the specimen carp lake that is run on a syndicate basis.

            After a little deliberation we had decided upon Willow Lake a 2.5 Acre lake that was once a match fishing venue. The lake is now described as a pleasure lake with a wide variety of species stocked.

            The lakes have matured well with large trees partially surrounding the venue and plenty of platforms spaced out from which to fish. The only downside to the venue is the constant traffic noise from the link road. Fortunately this is soon forgotten as the vista of lake sky and nature takes the focus away from the buzz of the modern world.

            Gary and I set up in the first two swims on the lake and planned to alternate between float fishing and quiver tipping.

            I started feeding micro pellet and corn just over a rod length out. I set up a waggler float setting the depth so that the bait rested on the lake bed with a small shot 3” inches from the bait. I was fishing with an old centre pin reel loaded with 4lb b.s line simply because it is fun to use. The float sat pleasingly to attention before sliding delightfully out of sight within seconds.

            This set the pattern for the day with sweetcorn and small prawn segments bringing a variety of fish to the net from start to finish. Roach to 8oz, bream close to 4lb, carp on the float to 4lb and a few small perch.

            I catapulted pellets to the island and when I fancied a rest I put out banded pellet on a hair rig. On my first cast  the tip ripped around before I could place the rod in the rest. A hard fighting mirror of around 4lb was the result!

            I alternated between float and tip from midday until we packed away at around 4.30pm. Both methods pleasing in their own right. The delightful and frequent disappearance of the float and the savage dragging round of the quiver tip as the carp hooked themselves.

            We lost count of our catch but certainly had a great day’s sport and vowed to return for a rerun. It’s great to simply share a day at the water.


Bideford and District Angling Club Midweek evening competition No. 8 Results

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Bideford and District Angling Club
Midweek evening competition
No. 8
1st Martin Turner  30lb 8oz
2nd Richard Jefferies  29lb 8oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy 26lb 10oz
4th Nathan Underwood 25lb 13oz
5th Roger Ackroyd  18lb 2oz
6th Kevin Shears 16lb 3oz
16 members fished.
The top 2 places were taken by the match organiser and assistant, only a pound separated Martin and Richard, drawn on pegs 15 and 18 they both fished groundbait paste, Martin’s net was mainly tench , Richard’s was all carp.
Keith has moved up in the league with his third place on peg 16.
2 matches remain Nathan maintains the lead.

Join the call for curbs on spurdog fishery before its too late!!!!

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I had a call from John McMaster who has worked extensively to collate data for the Pat Smith Data base. John is working with the Angling Trust and Charter boat skippers to raise awareness of plans to extend the commercial spurdog fishery. Spurdog numbers had increased over recent seasons providing a useful recreational fishery particularly during the winter months. Anglers in North Devon have enjoyed great sport from boats out of Ilfracombe especially during the winter months. The fish have also provided a target for shore anglers since the demise of cod. John has put the case for protecting spurdog below and is asking anglers and charter boat skippers to fight for the spurdog and the need for conservation.

We all want long term viable fish stocks and the boom and bust fishery policy is no use to anyone in the long term.

Earlier this year Defra reopened the UK Spurdog fishery to commercial fishing. Recognizing that the female breeding stock needed to be protected to give the fishery longevity they restricted the slot size to 100cm.

To understand the significance of this you need to know that female Spurdog do not reach sexual maturity until they are around 15 years old and that their pregnancy lasts for up to two years. The younger female Spurdog have smaller pups which have a low survival rate but as the females get older and larger, their pup sizes increase and so does their survival rate.  A 100cm female Spurdog is around 20 years old whereas a 120cm female Spurdog is around 40 years old and her pups have a significantly increased survival rate. 

We were therefore very surprised when we heard recently that Defra are now considering a request from the commercial sector to increase the maximum landing size to 120cm.

The recreational angling community regularly access the smaller shark fishery on a catch and release basis and it represents a revenue stream which our recreational charter skippers and coastal communities rely on.

The situation was discussed at a recent Pat Smith Database trustee meeting where it was agreed unanimously that our smaller sharks (Spurdog, Smoothound, Bull Huss and Tope) need our protection as much as their larger cousins (Blue, Porbeagle, Thresher).

Our sport has a seat at the Fisheries Management table but if we don’t use this opportunity to make our views known we will be sidelined by the other players so as a first step we have decided to send a letter to the Fisheries minister signed jointly by as many charter skippers, angling clubs and angling related organizations as possible.

If you would like to be a signatory and help protect the fishery from future closure, please get in contact with the Pat Smith Database at [email protected]

John McMaster


A room full of memories – Looe Sharking

COMBE MARTIN SAC  Bass Lure League 2023

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COMBE MARTIN SAC  Bass Lure League

Mark Jones – 71cm 63cm 59.5cm       Total – 193.5

Shuan Quartly – 72cm 60.5cm 56cm – Total – 188.5

Reece Woolgar – 64cm 59cm 57cm  Total – 180

Wayne Thomas – 67cm 54.5cm            Total –  121.5

Nick Phillips – 64.5cm 47cm                  Total –  111.5

Mark Tossel 69cm                                Total – 69cm

After the weekends Open Lure fishing competition members on the scoreboard have increased injecting welcome numbers to club members taking part. The league runs until the end of October and is sponsored by High Street Tackle Ilfracombe. Bass from boat and shore count.


Mark Jones is currently leading the lure league with three bass totalling 193.5cm


posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0
Well what a competition it was, a massive thank you to Mainline and John kneebone for sponsoring the event, all the bailiffs for helping with the weighing in and the cafe for the food. And a big thank you to everyone that took part we hope you had a great time.
But there can only be one winner and that was Nathan Bunting and Mike Stemp in peg 27 with 65lb 1oz. claiming the £2000 first prize and also Mike claimed the biggest fish award with a 25lb 6oz common.
2nd place and £1000 went to Paul Thomas and Jason McEvoy in peg 14 with their 3 biggest fish being 54lb 10oz.
3rd place went to the ever consistent Nigel Woods and Rich Ford in peg 32 with 52lb 9oz.
Section Winners
Dean Willoughby and Jason Head in peg 6 claimed secured section 1 winners.
Section 2 needed a draw for section winners and Joe Dietrich and Charlie Fowler won the prize.
Steven Folland and Rob Nicholson claimed section 3.
And finally Darren Walter and Richard Bradley claimed section 4.
All section winners won a 24hr ticket on lower Tamar and a prize from mainline.

Sea Angling Club Results

Bideford Angling Club 
July’s Rover results
1st Stephen Found thicklipped mullet 4lb 13 121.094%
2nd Jon Stevens  Spotted Ray 3lb 11 1/2 82.638%
Appledore Shipbuilders – July Rover
12 Anglers fished the July Rover .Andrew Atkinson was victorious with a cracking Smoothound of 15lb 111/4ozs. Michael Hammett was second with a fine Smoothound of 11lb 2ozs and Andrew Atkinson was third with another specimen Smoothound of 10lb 7ozs.


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First – Wayne Thomas – Bass 67cm

Second – Nick Phillips – Bass 64.5cm

Third – Reece Woolgar – Bass 64cm

The North Devon Coast proved to be challenging over the lure fishing weekend competition with suspended weed proving problematic on the open coast where water clarity was good.

After weeks of very calm weather a brisk North West breeze undoubtedly resulted in the weed issue. The event hosted jointly between High Street Tackle and Combe Martin SAC failed to attract a large number of competitors. The difficult conditions undoubtedly deterring some from entering. I wonder if lure fishers tend to be non-competitive. There were bass to be caught as was proved with several fish registered from both the open coast and estuary. With many miles of coastline and a many lures and tactics to employ getting anglers together is a great way to promote learning in a pastime where those who take part will never stop learning.

( Below) The winning fish of 67cm caught after dark in shallow water.

(Below) Runner up Nick Phillips with a bass of 64.5 cm 

Reece Woolgar tempted several bass over the weekend inclding this fish of 64cm

A few observations on lure fishing the North Devon Coast. There are many miles of varied coastline to fish and anglers have a wide variety of tactics to employ depending upon where the fish are located and what the fish are searching for. A significant factor in lure fishing is undoubtedly confidence and the willingness to adapt and experiment. Nick Phillips and I caught bass fishing an open coast shallow rock mark after dark when the fish will often. move very close to the shoreline. My belief is that the fish lose much of their natural caution after dark. Weightless soft plastics work after dark despite producing little movement and vibration.

Reece Woolgar tempted his fish again on soft plastics stalking the fish in shallow estuary water where polarising glasses are perhaps the greatest asset.

On the open coast surface lures can often work if there is suspended weed in the water. In the right conditions hard plastics and metal lures have their days and can produce good catches.

A jelly fish hooked a hard plastic lure !!!
Nick Phillips on the Open Coast



Big Bream at Lower Tamar

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Shaun Thorne has enjoyed success in several sessions at Lower Tamar targeting the Bream. He has banked thirty five bream including twenty over 10lb the best a stunning fish of 12lb. He has also banked carp and a tench of 6lb 11oz.

As weed growth takes over fishing becomes increasingly difficult meaning that the bream fishing will virtually cease until next Spring.