South West Lakes Trout Fisheries Report July 2023

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South West Lakes Trout Fisheries Report

July 2023

The weather broke at the end of June, with cooler, wetter, and far more mixed weather conditions in July, although the water temperatures remained high, and fish generally kept to the deeper water and were reluctant to rise to feed.


Kennick – The water level continued to fall gradually, down to 89% capacity by the end of the month. In spite of plenty of surface insect activity – buzzer hatches and damsels on the surface, generally the fish stayed in the deeper water, and intermediate or sinking lines fished with lures (Nomads, Tadpoles, Boobies and Cats Whiskers) accounted for most catches, although nymphs (Damsels, Diawl Bachs, and small Buzzers) fished on floating or intermediate lines did catch the odd fish. Anglers averaged 1.5 fish per rod, although this did improve to two fish by the end of the month. Apart from the central deeper water fished by the boats, bank anglers managed to pick up fish at Bracken Point, Laployd Bank, Clampitts Bay, Oak Tree Point, and Boat Bank. John Shore (from Totnes) caught seven rainbows to 3lb, fishing from a boat, using a Black Fritz Nomad and a Blue Flash Damsel on a sinking line and short leader. Simon Vowles and Andy Sterrick enjoyed a good day’s boat fishing from a drifting boat using fast sinking lines with teams of flies (Booby on the point and Diawl Bachs on the droppers), catching eight fish between 2lb and 3lb 3oz, while Graham Roberts (from Totnes) caught four fish to 3lb while fishing from a boat.

The annual Peninsula Classic bank competition was held at the end of June – conditions were hard, and while fish could be seen cruising in the shallows, they were not eager to take the fly. Alex Venn caught three rainbows (bag weight 6lb 8oz) to win the competition, with Darren Penfold runner-up, and Dave Perks third.

Siblyback – Challenging conditions meant that anglers only averaged 1 fish per rod, with Stocky Bay, Two Meadows, and West Bank proving to be the best locations. A variety of dry patterns (Hoppers, Mayflies, and Suspender emergers) tempted fish to the surface, although, in the main, sub-surface nymphs (Buzzers and Montanas) and lures (Minky, Olive Blob, Pink GH Blob, and Boobies) fished on an intermediate line proved to be more successful.

Burrator – Anglers struggled with the summer conditions, barely averaging a fish per rod, with the best sport at Pig Trough, Longstone Point, and Bennetts Lawn. Again, as the month progressed, the fishing improved, with anglers averaging 2.5 fish per rod by the end. A slow, deep retrieve on a variety of lines proved to be the most successful, with catching flies including Buzzers, Damsels, Hares Ears, and Bibios, with Orange Blobs picking up deeper fish, and a dry Sedgehog tempting a few fish to the surface. Patrick Murphy (from Plymouth) caught a beautifully conditioned wild brown trout of 1lb 4oz fishing in the early evening.

Stithians – The fishing really picked up at Stithians in July, with anglers averaging 4.9 fish per rod, mainly on floating lines and a slow retrieve. Fish were well spread out around the banks, with most locations producing fish. Fish were eager to feed off the surface, and there were a number of successful dry patterns (including Olive Hoppers, Beetles, and Black Deerhair Emergers) as well as subsurface nymphs (Damsel Nymphs, Brown Spiders, Black and Peacock Spiders, and Montanas).

Fernworthy –  The warm, blustery, mixed weather conditions made for tougher fishing at Fernworthy, and anglers had to pick their days carefully. Rod averages increased to two fish per rod toward the end of the month. Fish could be tempted to the surface however, with most fish being caught on dry patterns (Black Gnat, Dry Sedge, Elk Hair Emerger, Klinkhammer, and Shipman’s Buzzer). Lowton Bay, the bank below the permit hut, and Thornworthy proved to be the locations producing the best sport. Richard Lane (from Westbury) caught five browns to 13” while fishing dries to an evening rise to a hatch of small black midges.

Colliford – In spite of low levels (currently 58%), this lake continues to fish superbly with plenty of surface activity and dry fly action. Anglers averaged 3.8 fish per rod, which rose to ten fish per angler toward the end of the month, with East Bank, Lords Waste, Stuffle, Browngelly Bay, and West Bank all fishing well. Successful dry patterns included Black Hoppers, Foam Beetles, Sedgehogs, Hawthorns, Black Sedges, and Black Bits, while sub-surface feeding fish were taken on Montanas, Mini Muddlers, and Black Spiders. Daniel Gilbert caught the best fish of the season so far – a beautiful brown trout of 45cm as part of a bag of nine fish caught on Soldier Palmers, Hawthorns, and Black and Peacocks. Nick Odle (from Looe) caught fourteen browns to 1lb3oz on a Bibio and Muddlers fished on a floating line. Simon Peters (from Cusgarne) caught fifteen browns to 1lb using a drowned Daddy on a floating line, before switching to a team of three – Hares Ear on the point, Black Pennel and Pink Wickhams on the droppers.

Roadford – Now down to 65% full, the fishing continues to be challenging, with anglers struggling to average a fish per rod. The main sport has been by the dam, with fishing coming to the surface to take a beetle.


Blue-mouth Record fish ratified

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Back in February Combe Martin SAC member  Shaun Quartly contacted me regarding an unusual fish he had caught whilst fishing for ray from a beach near Minehead. I suggested that he should preserve the fish by freezing after weighing it and document every detail carefully as I it seemed that the fish was a very rare capture. This proved to be the case and after following all due protocol the fish has been ratified as a new British Record. In addition to being an accolade for any angler these records are also valuable in monitoring and recording species for science.


BRAUNTON BAIT BOX – Craig tackles bass and shark

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Braunton Bait Box’s Craig Mcloughlin proves his angling crudential with this fine bass of 8lb 6oz caught using spider crab that is available in store.  He also went onto bring a fine porbeagle boat side.

Braunton Baits Sponsor Combe Martin SACs Fish of the month competition for the best mixed brace. First prize is a T-Shirt from Ocean Daze


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10 Anglers fished the match today and the weather turned out to be quite a nice. All anglers caught fish with the fishing being slow at times for some, first place today when to Darren Polden with a magnificent bag of mixed fish for a weight of 71lbs 11oz on peg 6 fishing the feeder to the island, second place went to Richard jefferies on peg 15 with 29lbs 6oz fishing a pellet waggler and 8mm pellet 3rd place was Anthony Bentley on peg 14 with 28lbs 3oz and 4th place went to Stephen Paul Sheller with 28lbs 1oz next Rod and Reel match is at Tarka on the 27.8.23. Well done Darren polden on your catch.

Mackerel a true fish of summer

Think back to those formative fishing days as a teenager in North Devon and mackerel would feature high in those fishing memories. Caught on silvery spinners, strips of mackerel fished beneath bright crimson tipped floats or more commonly on strings of feathers launched from the rocks. I remember watching the shoals as they drove scattering silver whitebait from the water as the birds swooped to feast upon the fleeing fish.

I had begun to think that those days of plenty had been consigned to history books but sometimes nature bounces back. I had heard that mackerel were abundant in shoals not witnessed for decades with large shoals showing from Hartland to Porlock.

I headed down to Ilfracombe to enjoy a session after the mackerel and scrambled out onto the rocks amongst the foundations of the old pier. It was good to see the rocks and pier busy with anglers of all ages casting a variety of lures and feathers. News that mackerel were about had brought out the occasional angler in abundance. And whilst I’m not generally keen on fishing amongst crowds I resigned myself to this hustle and bustle of communal angling.

I had brought a spinning rod and a few metal lures to savour each fish taking a few home for tea whilst enjoying the thrill of catching. For the first twenty minutes or so I suspected that I had missed out on the recent abundance. But then I noted a few mackerel starting to show with the twisting and turning fish being swung ashore.

A sharp knock was transmitted through the line and I was in. The mackerel are miniature tuna and fight hard their bodies packed with muscle. As I watched them in the clear water I reflected upon the huge tuna I had seen caught last winter and questioned my sanity in seeking contact with a member of the mackerel family 500 times bigger than the fish at the end of my line.

As the tide flooded I was forced to leave my rocky platform with five mackerel, real jewels of the summer sea. The sun was setting as I put the rods into the car and lines of anglers were still casting from the rocks.

Whilst mackerel can sometimes encourage a less savoury aspect in those who litter or take more fish than required it also brings anglers  of all ages to the shoreline to enjoy those simple pleasures.

During July and August many Ilfracombe Charter boats take holidaymakers on short trips to catch mackerel an experience that can be the introduction to a more serious angling addiction.


Combe Martin SAC – Summer Fish Result

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David Brooke won Combe Martin SAC’s Summer Fish Competition with a fine bass of 7lb 14oz. Wayne Thomas was a runner up with a thick lipped grey mullet of 3lb 3oz.

Heavy rain dampened the spirits on the weekend that signals the start of the summer holidays. At the meetu p and committee meeting that followed the competition members discussed the huge shoals of mackerel that are providing some exciting fishing along the coast. These fish are undoubtedly attracting larger predators like tope, shark and bass. Other agenda items included the upcoming Fun Fish a run down recent competitions includng the Putsborough Open and Open Lure competition. Fish conservation and protocol regarding shark fishing were also discussed. Summer is always a time of low attendance at club meetings and it is important that anglers get together to plan and air issues.

Below Fish of the Month – This is for the best mixed brace


Massive Tope from North Devon Shoreline

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Combe Martin SAC member Kyle Bishop has caught a massive shore caught tope weighing 61lb 9oz. The huge specimen was tempted from a North Devon rock mark and is the biggest tope caught from the North Devon shoreline in thirteen years.  This year is proving to be an exceptional year for predators with large amounts of bait fish in the region and some excellant shark fishing off-shore. Congratulations to Kyle on landing such a superb specimen and getting an excellent picture of the fish. Below is Kyles own account of the capture of a very special fish.

Well after not sea fishing for a few months putting a few hrs in on the flyrod, I was getting the bug to chuck a few big baits, early last month got on phone to Tyler Roffey after seeing some bad weather coming through big swells and strong sw winds, we set out on a short window before it got to rough to fish a local mark. Got on the mark just as it was getting light set up 1 rod blasted big maki bait out for tope, set fly rod up for bass after 15mins Tys shouting my rod was going, running across the rocks to find rod in full arch and line peeling off, first run was incredible put some drag on and managed to turn her, after a back n forth battle Ty went down and put it straight in the net, I dropped down to give him a hand when I realised what we had, quickly sorted scales and sling, she went 61lb 9oz first cast back in to the big blue and a new personal best 🦈quick pic and back she went, fish of a lifetime still buzzing now and believe I’m only the second ever person to have a 60lber from the shore on the north Devon coast line yes now top man Ty for landing it and pics”

Big Shark off the coast

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Daniel Welch and Jonathon Stanway enjoyed session to remember on a Private Boat bringing two big porbeagle boat side along with several good sized pollock.

Anglers have been enjoying superb shark action on Reel Deal with porbeagle and thresher shark. Shane Pavio Hookway brought a huge thresher estimated at 300lb to the side of the boat setting a club record for the species.


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Match report.

Another lovely Friday match at HORWOOD this week, main lake is fishing very well with most methods catching, very close at the top between Stephen Craker and Graham Currington with Steve weighing in another impressive weight of 92lb pipping Graham who had 90lb 12oz, top lake was harder with a few fish deciding to feed late in the match and ever present Stephen Barrell managed the best weight of 38lb 19oz mainly small carp, Steve pushed Colin Cherrington into second on 29lb 15oz. 

Third on each lake and just in the money was Gary Sullivan with 61lb and Paul Whitehead 22lb 3oz.

Bideford and District Angling Club Midweek evening competition No 10

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Bideford and District Angling Club
Midweek evening competition No 10
1st Keith Copland 40lb 4oz
2nd Dazza Polden  33lb 15oz
3rd Craig Lamey 30lb 13oz
4th Nathan Underwood  29lb 5oz
5th Roger Ackroyd 25lb 3oz
15 fished

All too soon our summer series has come to an end.

Tonight’s final match has again produced some great nets, perfect conditions ,warm with a light westerly breeze.
Keith has fished peg 24 ,with corn hookbaits, for a terrific 40lb net of large carp for victory.
Second spot went to Darren, who’s drawn the same peg 10 on consecutive weeks , another fine net of carp also on corn and paste.
Third place goes to Craig with a great net of almost all skimmer bream on soft pellet.
Nathan’s fourth spot ensures that his consistency has retained the midweek Championship 🏆 .119 points Well done sir.
Richard Jefferies  second on 107