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Jon Stevens took first and second in Bideford Angling Clubs Monthly sea rover with  specimen smoothound of 10lb 10oz and 10lb 1oz. Andrew Clements was runner up with a small eyed ray of 8lb 14oz and Antony Smith forth with a smoothound of 8lb 11.5oz.

Several anglers fished Appledore Shipbuilders August Rover but no fish of over 60% were registered. Members did catch several small bass conger and huss.


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Simon Hillcox took advantage of a swollen river to tempt a fine Torridge salmon. As Storm Antoni sweeps in the rain will add to the river flows bringing the chance of salmon for several weeks to come. Hopefully restoring some of the damage inflicted by the drought of spring and early summer.


I recieved an email from a reader of North Devon Angling News and have published it here with my reply. Darren’s email mirrors many of my own observations and thoughts on the River and its decline. Many thanks to Darren for giving me permission to publish along with my reply.

Hi Wayne,

I chanced upon the NDAN website and indeed your book “I  Caught a Glimpse” this year –  excellent reading and nice to see a website so regularly updated.

Both from reading your book and old articles on the website it’s interesting to see the change in target species over the last few decades. We read about the reasons put forward and they seem to be many and varied. It set my mind running on a couple of points of local relevance.

The East Lyn is indeed a beautiful river and, although I wasn’t lucky enough to experience it,  I’m sure it’s days of plenty live long in the memories of those who did. But why the drastic decline – with the salmon run a shadow of its former glory and I doubt it’s fished much at all for sea trout nowadays. You wonder what the culprits are.  We can’t blame fish farming – the Severn is mercifully free from that industry which seems to have blighted the west coast of Scotland. The twin evils of pollution from farms (pesticide and fertilisers) and sewage discharge from treatment plants can’t be an important factor in that catchment can they ?  The brown trout population seems to be relatively healthy so the environment for parr developing to the smolt stage would seem to be good. I’m my limited walks along the river and along the coast looking out to sea I don’t see the preponderance of fishing eating birds and seals I’ve seen elsewhere.   

If I’m right in that unscientific guesswork it makes you wonder what’s going on out at sea. I suppose the salmon could be caught in large numbers at or en route back from their feeding grounds (like they used to be with drift nets on my native river Foyle).  But surely not the sea trout which, as I understand it, doesn’t  travel large distances and feeds around the coast. I’ve no doubt the bait fish such as sandeels, whitebait, etc. are hoovered up in huge quantities which could affect dependant species (although the bass seem to get by).    

You do wonder if rising sea temperatures have had a pernicious impact.  The reports of cod and whiting seem to have been replaced by smooth hound, bull huss and black bream but I wonder if it’s had am impact upon some part of the life cycle of the migratory fish as well.  

Something else that seems unusual to me is the differing behaviour of sea trout in the estuaries. I cut my teeth in the mid eighties catching sea trout with frozen sandeels freelined in the ebbing and flowing tides in the narrow points of estuaries on the Donegal coast.  The great times on that have gone now but its still worth a throw. What I wonder about is why sea trout were not caught more regularly  on bait and lures in the estuaries of sea trout rivers such as the Teign and the Taw. I’ve fished those estuaries quite a few times over the last 25 years but haven’t seen a sea trout taken. I can’t work out why.    Perhaps you’ve seen many caught.  

Anyway – I just thought I’d drop you an e-mail to congratulate you on the book and thank you for the helpful website. My head scratching re the East Lyn and seatrout behaviour at just thrown out there in case you happen to know the  definite answer !

All the Best


The Lyn facing drought conditions in the summer of 2022


Hi Darren,

                        Thank you for your email it is really good to get positive feedback regarding my book and the website.

Would you mind if I publish your email on North Devon Angling News with my own thoughts as set out below.

                        As regards the East Lyn many of your comments mirror my own thoughts.

                        There has undoubtedly been a dramatic decline in salmon and sea trout runs on the East Lyn and the vast majority of West Country Rivers.

                        I have witnessed the decline on the Lyn first hand and it has to be appreciated that the decline that I have seen is based upon just over forty years and that my own baseline would have been much depleted in comparison to an angler who had seen the fish that ran the river forty years prior to that.

                        The facts on the Lyn and other rivers are to some extent blurred by a reduction in angling since the introduction of catch and release. In the days of prolific salmon runs there were also large numbers of anglers fishing the river.  The angling community that once fished the Lyn came from far and wide when conditions were right and I met many anglers on the river who had commuted from London and other areas. These were familiar faces who joined the locals on the river bank jostling for the best spots. I often walk the river and now I seldom see a salmon angler even when conditions are good. Last week I spotted a good fish of 9lb plus resting in Overflow pool and feel sure there would have been other fish present.

                                    Like you I do not believe the River Lyn has significant issues regarding pollution, Water Quality or indeed salmon farming.

The abundance of wild brown trout are testimony to the River Lyn’s water quality.


It is likely that the most serious issue is loss at sea. These factors could relate to the marine eco systems that are in turmoil as a result of climate change, overfishing and an imbalance in predation.

            Climate change also impacts upon the spawning of salmon and survival with many scientists predicting that water temperature will be too high for salmonoid species to successfully spawn within the next forty years. Others predict the virtual extinction of salmon within the next twenty years.

                                    One regular angler on the river tells me that otters are decimating the remaining salmon stocks on the Lyn and I have heard of many otter sightings on the river. During drought conditions there are often seals around the river mouth feasting upon salmon, bass and mullet. The juvenile salmon ( smolts) are also heavily predated upon by cormorants that lurk in the river mouth particularly during the spring months.

                                    Another major factor that impacted massively on salmon numbers was UDN during the 1960, 70s and 80s. There was also a recent outbreak of disease that resulted in a large loss of spring run fish.

            The reasons for the decline in salmon stocks are undoubtedly complex and I see little reason for optimism though nature has a habit of bouncing back if given a chance. Everything we can do might help, reporting pollution, working with River Trusts and highlighting the decline of an iconic species. It is tragic that the salmon stocks on the Lyn were once so prolific that they could be harvested by anglers and via the salmon trap at the mouth of the river. For many years stocks seemed to be abundant and seemed to bounce back from UDN and natural weather patterns etc.

Across the natural world there has been a catastrophic decline and salmon are just another indicator that all is not well with our world.

            As regards to sea trout I have never understood why they are not caught on a regular basis in West Country estuaries. They are as you say caught in Scotland, Ireland, the Hebrides and across Sweden etc.

                                    Best Regards,



The sad remains of a salmon at the River mouth during the hot summer of 2022


Later this Autumn Medlar press are publishing a book that promises to deliver more information and thoughts on the history of Exmoors Rivers.


The old guy said,

I remember when the salmon poured into the pools, 

Packed like sardines you could have walked across their backs,  (1983) 

I remember when some anglers caught one hundred salmon in a  season,  (2003) 

It’s been a better season we caught forty from the river last year,  (2023) 

I remember when there were salmon in the river,     (2043)                                                                                                  

I remember being told there were once salmon in this river,  (2063)


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The wettest July for many years is starting to pay dividends with several salmon seen and caught in our local rivers. Simon Hillcox tempted this beautiful salmon( Below) from the middle Taw. Several sea trout have also been caught from both the Taw and Torridge.

( Below)  Anthony Wilmington netted this 15lbs cock salmon at Little Warham last Sunday, a coloured fish which had been in river for a while. A very strong fish which took a while to land in high water. Safely returned after being pictured.

In other news… Numerous good sized brown and sea trout have been enjoyed by our anglers this last week.

Chay Boggis fished a tributary of the River Taw and caught this stunning wild brown trout using a 3wt set up with a nymph. There are some stunning wild brown trout throughout North Devon with some surprisingly large fish hidden away to be discovered by the skillful angler.

ANGLING – Marine Litter Survey South West England

I was contacted by Shyanti who is working towards a Masters in Marine and Coastal Sustainability. After deliberating I completed the survey as requested. Marine litter is undoubtedly a huge issue that we as anglers witness all too frequently. I would be the first to acknowledge that a minority of anglers contribute to the issues by discarding bait packaging and losing line etc. I also believe that the vast majority of anglers are dismayed at the amount of litter they see on the shoreline and floating in the sea. After carrying out the survey I offered Shyanti the opportunity to post her message on North Devon Angling News to hopefully increase engagement with recreational anglers.

Below is an example of how discarded plastics can lead to injury to fish. This piece of plastic was removed from a porbeagle shark off the North Devon Coast.

Hi Wayne,

Thank you so much for your reply and for completing the survey. Yes! Marine litter is now a huge concern and every stakeholder should come forward to tackle it!

I wrote the following intro about my work with my survey link-

My name is Shyanti Sengupta, and I have an undergraduate degree in Marine Science from the University of Chittagong (Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries), Bangladesh. During my undergraduate degree, I conducted a study on the Bay of Bengal, focusing on the gut content analysis of selected marine predators, including sharks. This investigation revealed a significant presence of microplastics in the fish.

I wanted to explore this further, so I started a Master’s in Marine and Coastal Sustainability (the link) at the University of Exeter’s campus in Cornwall (the link). For my research project, I aim to delve deeper into the human aspects of the critical issue of marine litter by exploring the perceptions of anglers or recreational fishermen in the southwest of England.

By understanding the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of anglers towards marine litter, I hope to gain valuable insights into their role in tackling marine pollution. I believe that anglers can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of marine litter, and their perceptions can influence public awareness and policy decisions, making them vital stakeholders in the fight against marine pollution.

The ultimate goal of my research is to bridge the gap between scientific findings and human perceptions, which is essential for crafting effective strategies to address marine litter comprehensively. Integrating my past research on microplastics with the current study on anglers’ perceptions will contribute to a more holistic understanding of this urgent environmental issue and pave the way for collaborative efforts towards a cleaner and healthier marine ecosystem. Would you like to be involved? Please take this survey here.






Ask many sea anglers which is their favourite species and my guess would be that many would answer bass. This would come as no surprise as the species ticks many boxes. Bass certainly look the part with their streamlined bodies silver flanks and defiant spiky fins.

They are also reasonably prolific and can be caught from the warmer waters of the South West throughout the year. Their biggest attribute is perhaps the fact that they can be caught using a wide range of tactics that suit different angling approaches.

            Bass can be caught from a wide range of terrains across the region from deep water rock marks, shallow, rocky beaches, harbours, estuaries and those classic sandy storm beaches. The topography will to a certain extent determine the methods employed to catch bass and of course what is currently on the menu. Bass and all fish will go where the food is so this is ideally where the angler should head choosing bait that matches the hatch.

            My own bass fishing approach is to some extent determined by who I fish with, what method is likely to bring results and what I enjoy most. In recent seasons lure fishing has to some extent been my go to method producing good numbers of fish over shallow rocky shores.

            But to some degree I have always associated bass with shallow sandy surf beaches inspired years ago by the writing of Clive Gammon and others who fished the famous surf beaches of South West Ireland. The evocative picture of a loan angler stood in the surf holding the rod whilst waiting for the electrifying tug of a silver bass hunting in the third breaker.

            Whilst this approach has its appeal the modern angler tends to fish in a lazier yet perhaps more effective way. My good friend Kevin Legge has fished North Devon’s surf beaches for several decades and I always enjoy a session with Kev whose confidence and experience always inspires. Kevin’s approach is in some ways similar to that of the modern carp angler anchoring baits far out in the surf relying upon the large sharp hooks to self-hook the fish against the breakaway lead.

            A brisk westerly breeze was blowing when we arrived at the beach to coincide with a rising tide and the onset of night. A moderate surf was pushing in and at times it surged up the sand making fishing a little difficult. Kev doesn’t relish a surging push like this as it seldom results in good catches. But persistence can pay off in fishing and with a bait in the water you never know what is lurking out in the dark.

            We fished fifty yards or so apart each anchoring two baits out in the surf. I had elected to use joey mackerel on each rod casting out as far as I could and then walking back as the tide flooded until depleting line on the reel forced a recast.

            After a couple of hours Kev wandered over with a smoothound estimated at 8lb and tempted on a squid bait. Apart from this the baits had been untouched throughout.

            The brisk breeze drove spells of rain and drizzle into the beach and I pulled up my hood whilst I watched the rod tips for signs of life. The distant lights of seaside towns and villages flickered from across the bay and ships lights shone from out on the sea. Standing alone on the sands was liberating immersed in the natural world. Bright eyes shone in the headlights beam as a fox approached. Ever resourceful they have learnt that anglers bring bait that makes a tasty meal. For this reason, a tough bait box is essential to repel their efforts to steal from the bags left away from the incoming tide.

            As I removed old bait from the hooks the fox showed little fear and came right up to me despite my initial efforts to drive it away. The fox was certainly persistent and at times sat patiently behind me on the wet sand like a dog waiting for his meal. Eventually I warmed to my companion and allowed him to take the discarded bait each time I reeled in to refresh.

            The best time for bass is often close to high water which was at 01:40am. We decided to call time at around 1:30am and as I watched the rod tips intently a gentle nod of the tip caught my attention. I picked up the rod and felt a slight tug followed by a slight slacking of the line. Another slight tug followed and I suspected a dogfish. I raised the rod and began retrieving not sure if  anything was attached. A few lunges on the line as the tackle was brought into shallow water indicated that a fish was attached. A pleasing silver bass of around 3lb 8oz was dragged across the sand. I despatched the fish, descaled and gutted it as it was a perfect eating size. I return all bass I catch of over 6lb keeping the occasional fish for the table as it is one of my favourite eating fish.

            The larger bass are valuable breeding stock and their flesh is often riddled with worms that although harmless are not very appetising. The minimum size for bass is 42cm though I would return any  bass under 45cm. Anglers are permitted to take no more than two bass per day full guidance can be found at


As I packed away the tackle Kev walked over to show me the smallest ray he had ever caught. A tiny ray that sat in the palm of his hand that had fancied a whole mackerel.

            It had been an enjoyable session made memorable by a visit from a wild fox and by just being there as the tide flooded as we puzzled over the pages of natures never ending script.


Combe Martin SAC – Lure Competition League

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Combe Martin SAC – Lure Competition League

Wayne Thomas has moved up to third place in Combe Martin SACs Lure fishing league adding a bass of 61cm to his three fish qualifying tally.

Mark Jones bass – 63cm, 63cm, 71cm – Total – 197cm

Shaun Quartly bass – 72cm, 60.5cm, 56cm – Total – 188.5cm

Wayne Thomas – bass 67cm, 61cm 54.5cm – Total – 182.5cm

Reece Woolgar bass – 57cm, 59cm, 64cm – Total – 180cm

Lure fishing has proved challenging over recent weeks with rougher seas resulting in lots of suspended weed to snare lures. The abundance of natural food can also reduce the success rate of natural lures.

The best time for catching bass can be after the sun has set.


Bideford and District Angling Club Evening Pairs Competition

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Bideford and District Angling Club

Evening Pairs Competition


1st Craig Crash Lamey  /Roger Ackroy 44lb 7oz
2nd DarrenPolden /Mike Snudden 41lb 8oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy/Antony Bentley 36lb 14oz
4th Martin Turner / David Bailey 34lb 8oz
5th Reg Sutton/Kevin Shears 33lb 11oz
6th Les Polden/ Keith Copland. 33b 10oz
7th Warren Thornton /Nathan Underwood 28lb 5oz
8th Steve Ashton /Richard Jeffries. 27lb 9oz
16 fished
Our run of great weather came to an abrupt end on this the final evening competition of the year, the rain pessisted throughout the whole event, however some great nets were brought to the scales, Craig and Roger’s combined total caught on pegs 1and 15 respectively, was enough to scoop the honours.
Top weight on the night went to Kevin on peg 19 , his 33lb fell to paste on the pole in the lillypads.