Beware of ticks a cautionary tale

Shady River Fishing shared this cautionary tale recently that I feel is worth sharing on North Devon Angling News.

Ticks are very common in the vicinity of moorlands streams and rivers.

About 2 months ago I was fishing in the Devon countryside as usual. When I got home I noticed a Tick Nymph on my inside leg, so I pulled it off as I usually do when I see them on me. I’m always getting bit by ticks and did not think much of it, I just pull em out and forget about it. The next day I noticed a red rash around the bite, now normally the tick bite stays small then it goes away. This Rash was much bigger than usual and prompted concern from my fishing widow partner, who insisted I go and check it out, so I of course I didn’t do that. Anyway a few weeks later I was feeling very tired and aching knee joints and generally put it down to being over 40. After about another week or so I rang the doctor and went to see the Nurse who took some general blood tests, at this point I said “could you test me for Lymes Disease by any chance?” She said “yes we can do”, so she did.
Fast forward another four weeks and I was wondering on the test because I hadn’t improved much. I rang the surgery and was told in no uncertain terms that I had indeed contracted Lymes Disease!!!!
I was quite shocked but perhaps I shouldn’t have been as I am always up the River chasing Salmonoids and I can’t remember how many times I’ve pulled ticks off of myself, so suppose it was just a matter of time before this could happen. Anyway it’s a big long course of antibiotics and no Beer either ‍♂️ I was fishing on this occasion on the Mighty River Lyn when I got bitten, it’s full of ticks up there at certain times, but Ticks are everywhere around this part of the country and unfortunately so is the Disease. So be careful out there folks.

Wrasse from North Devons rocky shoreline.

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Combe Martin SAC club member Kyle Bishop has been targetting wrasse from North Devons craggy shoreline enjoying success with ballan wrasse to 4lb 15oz and corkwing to 8oz. Kyle won Combe Martin Clubs July mixed brace competition sponsored by Braunton Baits and stands a good chance of winning the August mixed brace sponsored by High Street Tackle.



  Over fifty years ago I caught my first brown trout from the River Umber that flows through the village of Combe Martin. The fish was tempted on a small red worm a small wild brown trout with a butter shaded belly, olive flanks and crimson spots. Sadly, their numbers have plummeted in this tiny stream as a result of pollution and reduced flows.

            Fortunately; there are still many miles of healthy rivers in North Devon and whilst migratory fish have declined the wild brown trout are thriving and offer delightful sport on light fly fishing tackle.

            I decided to start my 62nd  birthday with a couple of hours on a local river chasing those wild brown trout that were amongst the first fish I caught as a child. Armed with a 7ft Snowbee 4 wt rod I waded into the clear water and started to search flicking the flies upstream beneath a canopy of green.

            Starting with New Zealand style tactics I made my way slowly up river. A kingfisher flashed by an electric blue streak that brightens the day.

            After searching several runs and stickles I hooked a sprightly brownie that pulsed and turned in the current before being coaxed to the waiting net. A beautiful trout of perhaps 10” that had taken the nymph. I admired it briefly and reflected that fifty years on I still enjoy those same emotions of pleasure from catching these jewelled creatures that dwell in cascading waters.

            I tempted another three pristine browns using dry flies in the next couple of hours.

Pheasants called in the nearby fields a reminder that the shooting season is not far away. Another six weeks and the river trout season will have closed again. How times flies it seems ever faster as life passes by.

            There are plenty of fishing adventures on the horizon with mighty tuna and shark on the agenda. Its still good though to tune back into those wild browns in intimate waters.

North Devon Match Group – Oaktree

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North Devon Match Group held their latest Match at Oaktree fishery using the top and bottom lakes to split the anglers
The weather held out for most of the day with the odd shower but it was still warm
The worthy winner on the day was Kevin Shears with a great weight of 120lb from the top lake

Top lake

1st kevin Shears 120lb 5oz

2nd Dave Doidge 78lb 13oz

3rd Dodgy Hooks  65lb 9oz

Bottom lake

1st Nathan Underwood 71lb 15oz

2nd Garry Thornton  45lb 14oz

3rd Christopher Morris  38lb 12oz

BIdeford Angling Club – 48 hour Result – Huge gilthead!

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August 48-hour results 

Nathan Clements was delighted to catch a huge gilthead bream scaling 8lb 2.25oz to win Bideford Angling Clubs 48hour roving sea match. This is one of the biggest gilthead bream recorded so far this summer from the  South West coast and sets a new club record for BIdeford Angling Club.  The weekends competition also saw numerous specimen smoothound caught and specimen small eyed ray.


1st Nathan Clements Gilthead bream

8lb 2 1/4oz


2nd Tony Gussin Smoothhound 13lb 15 1/2oz 139.687%

3rd  Tony Gussin Smoothhound 12lb 6oz 123.750%

Other fish caught 

Jon Stevens Small-eyed Ray 10lb 12 1/2oz

Julien Stainer Smoothhounds 10lb 5 + 10lb 15oz

Andrew Clements   Smoothhound 10lb 5oz

Antony Smith Smoothhound 11lb 7oz


Carp Fishing – Stafford Moor

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BIlly Grant tempted this fine mirror carp  on lodge lake at  30lb 2oz it is a new personal best.

Hi all here is a message just sent from ‘French Dave’ thank you for your kind words  good to see you again
“Back home after another great week at the only venue I fish, why go anywhere else!! I managed to catch 21 carp of which 9 were over 20lbs and the largest were both just over 28lbs a mirror and a common. Prettiest fish of the week a superb looking linear weighing 23lbs and photos below of the linear and the 2 biggest fish. Already looking forward to my next visit before the end of September. I am always made very welcome by Jo, Paul, Millie and Wayne, thank you guys and the way the fishery is maintained is exceptional!!”


Some photos from Matt Wood from his recent session at Upper Tamar:
‘Having never fished Upper Tamar lake before it was a bit daunting to look at an expanse of water like that, just wondering where to start.
After a walk and speaking to a few people I decided to set up on the back of the wind in the “lookout” swim. A lead about confirmed the lake bed was pretty uniform and at 18 wraps I had 6ft of water.
My mate Ben set up next to me and fished slightly closer in and we both put out a good amount of boilies with just simple combi rigs fished over the top.
After 24 hours with no bites it was time to change so out went the solid bags and within a few hours the first fish graced the net at 17lb 8oz and it was a lovely looking common.
Not too long after in the small hours of Sunday morning Ben had his first fish which was a nice looking mirror of 17lb on the nose which he very pleased with considering it was only his 2nd carp he’d ever caught.
A few more hours of getting an absolute soaking from the rain passed and I was into my second fish of the trip which steamed off on a mission. After a bit of a battle I landed a very fit 15lb 12oz mirror.
Both of us can’t wait to get back and have another go, it’s an awesome place and the fish are in really good condition. ‘ #ItsYourOutdoors
John Dowse managed a 3lb Perch and an 18lb 12oz Mirror on a recent trip to Upper Tamar.
Following its introduction in May, we are excited to announce the return of carp fishing at Roadford Lake for September.
Just off the A30, Roadford Lake is a naturally beautiful location perfect for anglers living in both Devon and Cornwall and this unique opportunity should not be missed!
Throughout the month, we’ll be removing carp from the lake for restocking purposes elsewhere, and we ask that all fish caught are placed in the floatation pen situated in the water, where they will be collected each morning.
Carp fishing will only be available in a designated area of the lake and all anglers are advised to bring a pair of waders.


📣 Attention all Anglers 📣
We have been made aware of the launch of a new product known as the ‘Magic Twig.’
Until we have seen this product in the flesh and made a full judgment on it, it is NOT PERMITTED to be used on any of the South West Lakes waters.
This decision has been made with fish safety and welfare in mind, which is one of our upmost priorities. We’re sure the safety aspects have been discussed and considered by the manufacturer during the development stage, but we would like to see the product before we can consider allowing it to be used on our waters.
Thank you for your cooperation.
No photo description available.


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Combe Martin SAC member Daniel Welch caught this stunning Atlantic Bonito on a small silver lure whilst fishing from his own boat off the North Devon Coast. The 3lb 15oz fish sets a new club record.

Bonito are members of the Tunny family.

“A moderately regular visitor to Northern European seas and very common off Southern Europe.It is migratory with the seasons, not living in water below 15 c and preferring temperatures  around 22c.” An extract from Key to the fishes of Northern Europe by Alwyne Wheeler. Several bonito have been caught off the North Devon coast in recent seasons a likely result of climate change and warmer waters?




Wistlandpound Reservoir is just up the road from where I live and is an ideal spot to combine a summer evening  walk with a few casts here and there. It was ideal that Pauline could join me and capture a few images of the scene and hopefully a fish or two. Despite being on my doorstep I haven’t visited as often as I had planned even though I did tempt some stunning wild brown trout earlier in the season.

            Mid-August fishing can be a struggle so my expectations were not high so my target for the evening would be to tempt a golden flanked rudd or two. These beautiful fish are considered a nuisance by some but I see them as a pleasing diversion from the trout. I have glimpsed rudd of over a pound and would love to catch one of these larger specimens.

            I had grabbed an old split cane Scottie Fly Rod that was already set up with a PTN on the point and black spider on a dropper. There is perhaps something organic and tactile about split cane and this rod could undoubtedly tell a tale or two and has a slightly poignant history.

            I bought the rod from a friend at work who had picked it up at a car boot sale at Torrington. He wasn’t really an angler but had started to take a bit of an interest and we planned to take rods to the River Torridge and cast a line for trout. He was going to retire at some point in the near future and would have time to indulge in a new hobby expanding upon his love for family time, playing golf and tinkering with his sports car.

            At the Roadford Fly Fair we met up with a friend and got chatting about life and fishing. How’s it going we asked to be told rather awkwardly that this would be his last Fly-fair as he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. A bit of a conversation stifler but we stumbled on and somehow got talking about fishing rods. It turned out he had sold his old Scottie Fly Rod at a car boot sale at Torrington.

            Later that year I attended my work colleague’s funeral. He had retired after  being diagnosed with cancer. We never did get to cast a line on the Torridge so on the odd occasion when I take out the old Scottie I cannot help but have a cast for my lost friends who had shared ownership of the old Scottie.

            The sun was slowly sinking as we walked to the reservoir and there was barely a breath of wind. Reflections of trees, evening light, the occasional trout rise dimpling the surface and vapour trails decorating the cloud free evening sky.

            We stopped at the first area of open bank and I extended a line upon the calm water. It took a while to adjust to the need to cast slower with the cane rod and I ended up spending a few moments untangling my fine leader. As is often the case other areas of the lake called and we ambled on chatting and absorbing the embers of the fading summer day.

            We ended up on the far shoreline where I had caught a good brown trout earlier in the season. I waded out and suggested that Pauline capture a few images of me fishing out the fading day.

            Tantalisingly beyond casting range the surface was broken as a large shoal of fish feasted upon something, a hatch of fly perhaps? Large numbers of martins swooped above the water a sure indication that flies were indeed hatching. I flicked a fly  yards from bushes that stretched out into the lake, paused and began a slow retrieve, the line tightened. A rudd was guided to my hand and lifted from the water its flanks glowing a burnished bronze and silver in the fading light.

            After a quick picture the fish was slipped back. I cast again to be rewarded with a slightly bigger rudd.

A pleasing end to the day etching out another memory I remembered those immortal lines that feature in the books written by the late countryside writer BB.

The Wonder of the world, the beauty and the power, the shapes of things, their colours, lights, and shades; these I saw. Look ye also while life lasts.


Bass Lurę – Competition Update

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Mark Jones tempted this fine 65cm bass to extend his lead in Combe Martin SAC’s members only Lure Fushing competition sponsored by High Street Tackle.

1st Mark Jones – Bass – 71cm, 65cm, 63cm Total 199

2nd  – Reece Woolgar = Bass – 71cm 64cm 59cm  Total 194

3rd – Shuan Quartly – Bass – 72cm, 60.5cm, 56cm Total 188.5

4th  – Wayne Thomas – Bass – 67cm, 61cm, 54.5cm Total 182.5