Stafford Moor – Open results

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Sundays Open Results from Stafford Moor’s open match on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes . Jo Coombes writes-  “continental payout so I have written the results out as they should be as my computer guy is still trying to sort out a system where I can have it showing a normal match payout and a continental payout.
We had 31 guys fishing , weather was rain all day !”



Dave Stockton
Dave Stockton


winner of the day was Dave Stockton Woodpecker peg 6 with 176lb 11oz
2nd place was Keith Needham Tanners peg 3 with 94lb 8oz
3rd place was Tim Hagg Woodpecker peg 3 with 123lb 11oz
4th place was Kevin Osbourne Tanners peg 18 with 94lb 3oz
Silvers winners was Ron Hardiman Tanners peg 6 with 19lb 6oz and also from Woodpecker lake Bruce Hunt peg 8 with 19lb 8oz
Section winners were :
Pete Vernon Woodpecker peg 20 with 87lb 14oz
Gary Mealing Woodpecker peg 10 with 70lb 4oz
Steve Pearce Tanners peg 20 with 76lb
Keith Hillier Tanners peg 35 with 93lb 7oz


posted in: Game Fishing, Sidebar | 0

The latest report from South West Lakes Trust shows that some fine sport has been enjoyed with the regions two brown trout fisheries offering great loch style sport. At Wimbleball catches have been impressive as Danny Fords latest report indicates :-


 Wimbleball The fishing still continues to produce top sport where bank anglers can enjoy a return of 5.2 and boats achieving 4.5 per angler.
Mr Vinall caught the fish of the week with a stunning 6lb 15oz Rainbow from the Dam end (pic attaced). Mr Vinall was using a Black Magic Nymph when the large fish took his fly. He also went on to return a further 4 rainbows and 2 browns. Well done! This fish is a strong contender for fish of the season, and I’m sure the largest in a few years. Ill check and get back to you. Terry Bridgman was also amongst the fish last week, catching and releasing 22 over 2 days.


Wistlandpound – The Beach, Hide Bay, Gordon’s Bay and the deeper water near the dam proved to be the best locations; Brownie Point is now accessible (levels are down by about 12’) to bank anglers, with boat anglers catching well at this location, especially drifting with a team of Nymphs. Dry patterns, especially Hawthorns, Sedges and Black Gnats, have caught well, particularly in the mornings and evenings, as have sub-surface patterns (Pheasant Tail Nymphs, small montanas and spider patterns) fished on a floating line throughout the day. Jon Ogborne and Peter Coleman-Smith had a very successful day on the boat fished loch- style, netting 29 Brown Trout between them.

Roadford – Wortha Bay is now open to anglers and starting to produce results, especially for boat anglers on short drifts. Although there is plenty of fly life about, most of the fish are being taken on sub-surface patterns (mainly dark, such as Small Black tadpoles, Black Pennells and Bibios) fished on a floating line. Stephen Jones caught the best fish of the month – a beautiful grown-on Brown of 4lb 14oz.

With water temperatures rising, boat anglers can expect some exciting sport, fishing over the boils, where some huge fish have been caught in recent years.


posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Catching carp off the surface has to be one of the most exciting ways of tempting them and at times most frustrating. Watching the carps approach to a bait is riveting and the sight of a big pair of lips closing on the bait extremely pleasing. Shelley Gordon had a terrific session on day ticket venue Jennetts reservoir near Bideford (North Devon) on Friday 24th June landing four carp all off the surface using dog biscuits and bread. The commons weighed 14lb 10oz, 16lb 1oz, 18lb 4oz and a new PB of 22lb 7oz.






posted in: Young At Heart | 0

Anglers Paradise’s Zyg Gregorek sent me this news story from the famous angling Complex.


Following tumultuous referendum results, on a lighter note we held a wedding blessing for Gary and Sarah Mayo from South Petherwin, Cornwall, with Gary emerging from the water in true Poseidon fashion with his special Poseidon fork, he battled his way from the sea to the Koi Lake with his special fork, we used our fishy wedding vows and provided the bouquet for the bride which were rare water lilies.
Poseidon was very, very pleased that we got our fish in the seas back around the Great Britain shores and he wanted to settle down and live peacefully, he appreciated the bottle of Viagra wine we gave him to help him get his strength back and cement his relationship.
These were the wedding vows we used:-


Dearly beloved we are gathered here together in the sight of God, nature, fellow fisherman and fish to renew our eternal vows and proclaim your everlasting love.
Do you Sarah promise to take Gary for good days and bad days, big fish and small fish, blank days and loads of fish.
Will you look after each other’s tackle, wash it and clean it after use
And do you promise to honour and obey and go fishing every day
I now pronounce you fisherman and fisherwoman, husband and wife and with this net I now re-join you for ever and a day.
The guests then toasted the bride and groom with Viagra wine


posted in: Sea Angling, Sidebar | 0
Michael Squires
Michael Squires

It was fitting that Michael Squires caught the only weighable fish in Bideford and District Angling Clubs Michael Squires Memorial Trophy. The 10lb 12oz undulate ray was the highlight of the clubs venture to Chesil Beach where members had a good time enjoying a social event with a BBQ.


Michael Squires enjoying a moment in Sark with CMSAC
Michael Squires enjoying a moment in Sark with CMSAC

Michael Squires Senior  was a popular member of several North Devon angling clubs including Bideford and Combe Martin SAC. I have fond memories of away trips to Ireland and Sark with both Michael Squires Jnr and senior.


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David Brooke
David Brooke

Combe Martin SAC member David Brooke landed what  I believe to be the biggest smoothound from the North Devon coast so far this season. The specimen hound weighed an impressive 15lb 1oz. Fellow club member Derek Ferret fishing with David also enjoyed success landing a specimen smoothound of 11lb 14oz.

A surprise bass!

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Callum Gove


Callum Gove fished the Upper estuary with a baited spinner intended for thin lipped grey mullet and hooked into a hard fighting bass of 7lb 7.5oz. It is not unheard of to hook large bass whilst targetting thin lipped grey mullet and from time to time double figure bass are landed by anglers trying something different.




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Friendly rivalry at Blakewell Fishery saw regulars  Gavin Colwill and John Piper go head to head in a competition. The two anglers landed six fish each totaling 32lb! Gavin was deemed the winner landing the days biggest trout a fine rainbow of 13lb. John’s biggest was a fine rainbow of 12lb.

John Piper with a fine brace of trout






Liam Lonsdale
Liam Lonsdale

South West Lakes Trust Coarse fisheries Jennetts Reservoir and Lower Tamar Lakes are both producing fine carp of over twenty pounds. Barry and Liam Lonsdale had a cracking session at Lower Tamar landing fourteen carp using sticky baits Manilla Boilies. Biggest was a 23lb 2oz common carp to Liam. Barry best was a stunning 21lb fully scaled mirror carp.

Barry Lonsdale
Barry Lonsdale

Chad Savage has been hauling the 20’s from Jennetts in the last couple of months. This 22lb 3oz common is one of fourteen different 20lb+ fish that he has banked in just eight short sessions.

Chad Savage
Chad Savage

The coming weekend sees South West Lakes Trust host a carp fishing pairs competition running from Friday to Sunday see home page events for full details.




Perfect Conditions

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Perfect conditions
Perfect conditions


After recent spates both the Taw and Torridge are fining down nicely and reports are trickling in of salmon. I fished a middle river beat on the Torridge and conditions were as close to perfect for salmon and sea trout as it would seem possible.I fished through the known lies with care, searching with the fly swimming across the current. The occasional trout hit the fly and gave a brief moment of excitement. It was good to be on the river immersed in the surroundings as birds swooped over the water and the occasional mayfly lifted into the warm evening. Despite this there was also frustration that despite ideal conditions success was elusive.

I was very pleased to hear today of a fresh run 12lb salmon to the rod of Russell Crisp on a middle Torridge beat. It is often the case that the salmon are more willing to take a fly as they settle into their lies and can be reluctant to take as they run the river. It is perhaps the unpredictability of the salmon that make them so alluring.

I hope to bring more news from the rivers in the coming days. The solitary nature of salmon fishing and private inclination of its participants sometimes means that news is not as forthcoming as in other branches of the sport. I would encourage game anglers to send me their catches and pictures I will not divulge location of capture unless encouraged to do so.