Stafford Moor – Sunday Open Results

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Sunday Open – August 7th Tanners lake.

A great weight from Mark Hayman peg 3 with 139lb 14oz fishing 11mm on the lead.
In second place was Paul Tidball peg 32 with 131lb 7oz fishing also 11mm on the lead.
In third place was Lee Thomas peg 1 with 112lb 3oz fishing 8 & 11mm fishing 14mtrs

Silvers winner was Bruce Hunt peg 13 with 31lb 1oz of silvers !

Section winners were:
Dave Stockton peg 25 with 80lb 7oz and also Martin Heard peg 9 with 94lb 9oz


Salmon and Sea Trout Sport on Taw and Torridge

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Emma Tyjas
Emma Tyjas

The rain that fell at the beginning of August proved a welcome tonic for the areas salmon and sea trout anglers who enjoyed a hectic few days on both the Taw and Torridge. The day ticket Weir Marsh and Brightly Beats on the Taw saw eleven salmon caught on Friday and four on Saturday. Steve Meach landed six, Nigel Clist and Richard Jewell two and John Kenyon, Edwin Barclay, Michael Martin. Chris Steer and Bob Lewington one each. There were also ten sea trout caught from the beats. Numerous other salmon have been landed from beats on the Taw including a superb salmon to the rod of Emma Tyjas estimated at 12lb. Emma is married to Peter Tyjas who teaches with the Devon School of Fly Fishing based at the Fox and Hounds, Eggesford.

Rising Sun

Combe Martin Club News

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Graham Snow took the top two places in Combe Martin SAC’s Fish of the month competition with a fine thick-lipped mullet of 4lb 15oz and a thin-lipped mullet of 4lb 1oz. In third place was Kevin Legge with a bass scaling 9lb 2oz. Club member Ross Stanway got August’s competition off to a good start landing a fine specimen rockling of 1lb 13.5oz.

Ross Stanway

Carp Catches – Stafford Moor

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Mark Mead

Mark Mead with his 28lb catch from the Dam wall on Beatties lake using mainline cell boilies.


Dave Morrish with his 28lb 8oz catch from the dam wall on Beatties lake using sticky baits krill.

image1Mark Grinney and Ellie had 8 fish from the inlet swim on beatties lake up to 29lb 3oz using home made chocolate boilies and strawberry pop ups.image1

Chrissy Waring who was here with hubby Geoff (AKA 2 of the Carp Busters ) had 10 fish out up to 21lb 8 oz on Beatties lake in a day session using mainline cell and dynamite baits monster tiger nut flavour purchased in the on site tackle shop .



Harris Sawyer who  fishing Staffords Woodpecker Lake with regular Jason Hammond who had this fab catch from woodpecker lake today.


Appledore Shipbuilders News

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David Atkinson won Appledore Shipbuilders Monthly Rover with a fine gilthead bream scaling 4lb 53/8oz. Runner up spot was secured by Steve Ford with a gilthead of 4lb 2.75oz and in third was Josh Atkinson with a smoothound scaling 6lb 15oz. In the Junior section it was Chelsea Babb that took the prizes with a ballan wrasse of 3lb 3.75oz.

Top fish of the week was a stunning bass taken from a local beach scaling 12lb 9.75oz by Paul Downing.


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Stafford Moor Match News

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Latest match results from the ever prolific Stafford Moor

Andy Boffin
Andy Boffin


Wednesday August 3rd Open match at Stafford Moor on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes. Had 32  fishing  with a continental payout . Had 6 main payouts plus 4 X section payouts.
Winner of the day was Andy Boffin Tanners peg 6 with 154lb 15oz fishing the conker & paste.

2nd  Kev Walters Woodpecker peg 3 with 104lb 6oz

3rd Herbie Tanners peg 3 with 116lb 5oz

4th  Tony Nallie Woodpecker peg 32 with 86lb 8oz

5th  Ben Evenden Tanners peg 36 with 110lb 4oz

6th  Chris Haines Woodpecker peg 10 with 84lb 13oz

Our section winners were:
Tanners steve Kedge peg 32 with 95lb 15oz and Kev Osbourne peg 27 with 61lb 12oz
Woodpecker Rob Hendrick peg 12 with 34lb and Mick Wheatley peg 26 with 43lb 7oz

Stephen Crocker
Stephen Crocker

Friday August 5th residents match  Stafford Moor on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes. Weather was sunny most of the day , had a continental payout today , had a great winning weight from Stephen Crocker peg 36 with 132lb 4oz fishing 11mm on the lead, well done Steve ! (Who won it last year too )
2nd Chris Birch Tanners peg 35 with 122lb 5oz

3rd  Keith Simpson Woodpecker peg 10 with 51lb 3oz

4th Rob Hendrick AKA MOS Tanners peg 13 with 90lb 12oz fishing 8mm & paste down the edge

5th Mark Betteridge Woodpecker peg 28 with 49lb 11oz

6th  Richard Gere AKA Michael Wheatley 😜 Tanners peg 18 with 79lb 3oz



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Nielsen Jeffery sent me this report on his latest short evening session at Horwood lakes(2.5 hours)  he fished the top lake,and enjoyed some great sport. Landing three nice fish around 5 lb and around twenty pasties of up to 2 lb, plus three lovely tench.

Children under 16  fish for free as long as they are with a paying adult ; day tickets are only available from Summerlands at £5 a head. Both lakes have had an extensive overhaul with twenty nice platforms now in place. Both lakes are well stocked with carp to 12lb and tench.

John Forster

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Netting Permit Byelaw Consultation

Dear All,

Devon and Severn IFCA are holding a number of events to publicise the proposed Netting Permit Byelaw. Please join Officers at the promotion trailer that will be at the following venues between 1600hrs and 2000hrs. This is your opportunity to ask questions and find out more information. Large charts showing estuaries and coastal areas will be on display as well as the byelaw and permit conditions. Copies will be available for you to take away. Please advertise this as widely as possible within the fishing and angling communities.

Churchfields car park, Appledore, EX39 1RL 15th August 2016
Cove car park, The Cove, Ilfracombe, EX34 9EN 16th August 2016
Fish Quay, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, PL4 0LH 17th August 2016
Imperial Road Recreational Ground, Exmouth, EX8 1DB 18th August 2016
The Den, Den Crescent, Teignmouth, TQ14 8AA 19th August 2016
Quay West car park, Quay West, Minehead, TA24 5UP 22nd August 2016
Entrance to Sailing Club, The Promenade, Clevedon, BS21 7QU 23rd August 2016
Manor Road car park, Sidmouth, EX10 8RR 24th August 2016
Car park, Creek boat park, Gould Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DU 25th August 2016
Freshwater Quarry car park, Blackball Lane, Brixham, TQ5 8BA 26th August 2016

The byelaw, permit conditions and charts can be viewed in advance on our website:

POLITE NOTE: Please do not send responses to this email address. Responses are to be sent to [email protected] AND [email protected]

The public consultation closes on 22nd September 2016.

Kind Regards,

Laura Bullock
Enforcement Officer

Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Brixham Laboratory
Freshwater Quarry

Tel (office): 01803 854648
Twitter: @DevonSevernIFCA