Colourful Fish from Paradise

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The latest report from Zenia at Anglers Paradise demonstrates the wide range of beautiful fish to be caught at the complex.

Sam Whapshott, from Bexley, Kent caught a Personal Best 11lb Koi from the Koi Lake caught on Dog Biscuits, what a beautiful Fish! (Below)

SamWhapshott11lbKoiDogBiscuitSteve Macdonald from Woonton, Herefordshire had a BIG Surprise when he reeled in the Big Koi from the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake at a whopping 15lbs!! Jackie Charlton caught him during the first week of July at 13lb 8oz so he’s put on a lot of weight in just a few weeks! Steve said – “Caught this cracking fella on the last day of our holiday with you. I had wanted to catch a double figure carp and a Koi so I was made up when my last cast of the day on the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake resulted in this 16lb beauty, making it my new Personal Best!
The rig was a very simple 11mm bait-tech pellet banded onto a size 8 hook on a running ledger rig cast close to the lily pads. We had enjoyed a great day on the lake with loads of Golden Tench, Blue and Golden Orfe and an 11lb 14oz Grass Carp. It was a day well worth braving the wind and rain for!”. (Below)


Tommy Flower and his Wife Stevie from Bexley, Kent, had a rare fishing session together on the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake. Tommy normally targets the Carp and Stevie is new to fishing, so this was a change from the Norm! Tommy and Stevie caught many Colourful Specimens including Golden Orfe, Blue Orfe, Koi Orfe, Golden Tench, Two Tone Tench and Grass Carp using Maggots as the hook bait. Here are just a few of the Specimens they caught! Watch Out Tommy, looking at the size of Stevie’s Catches, she’s one to watch! Always great to see Couples enjoying the Sport, hopefully the start of many Fishing Days out together. (Below)


Anglers Paradise
Anglers Paradise


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Experienced Taw rod Roger Bickley has caught his biggest salmon and the best of the season so far. The huge fish measuring 39″ and estimated at 22lb was tempted from a middle Taw beat using a stoats tail variant tied on a size 6 single hook. Roger described the large cock fish as having its flanks shaded in colours of autumn with a large kype indicating that it had been in the river for some time. The fish was undoubtedly stimulated by a slight rise in the water following isolated thunder storms at the weekend. The fish took around twenty minutes to land making several powerful runs that tested Roger’s 12lb leader to the full. After a few minutes of cradling carefully in the rivers flow the mighty fish gave a kick of its tail and swam strongly away. Hopefully this fine fish will be spawning on the redds high on Exmoor before Christmas as anglers sit beside log fires recalling tales of seasons past.

Len Francis also enjoyed success lower down river landing a 4lb grilse from the day-ticket Weir Marsh and Brightly Beats near Umberleigh. Tickets are available from Ivan Huxtable on 01769540835 or call into the Rising Sun at Umberleigh and speak with Jules.

IMG_5374Roger Bickley fishing the Middle Taw

Rising Sun


IMG_3348Slight Delay

Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs Annual Fun Fishing event on Ilfracombe Pier was once again a highly enjoyable event with twenty competitors taking part and plenty of onlookers taking an active interest. Special guests for the event were Libby Ross from IFCA and representing the local coastguard Deputy Station Officer Dave Mannering and Coastguard Rescue officer Jodie Smith.

Jodie Smith & Dave Mannering from the local coastguard.


The event was unfortunately delayed as a result of a delay in the birthing of the Balmoral which was running late after a delay on the Welsh side due to inclement weather. This gave the opportunity for the coastguard officers and Libby to engage with the fishers discussing fish conservation, regulation and safety at sea.



Libby Ross - IFCA Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority
Libby Ross – IFCA
Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority

When fishing eventually got underway competitors soon started to get a few bites and swing fish  ashore to be admired briefly before being returned to the water. Species caught included tub gurnard, pollock, wrasse, rockling, shore rockling, poor cod,pouting,smelt,grey mullet,rock goby, tompot blenny, and mackerel. Despite the small size of many of the fish caught beaming smiles on young faces made the event well worth while.

IMG_3394Charlie Stanway – Winner of the Event

A little light rain began to fall at the end of the event but not enough to dampen enthusiasm as everyone gathered for the presentation that was kindly carried out by Jodie Smith from the coastguard.


Winner of the top prize was young Charlie Stanway who caught five species for 7 points. Runner up was Sam Davison who caught four species for 7 points. Winner of the over 18’s section was Lyn Wilson with 7 points and runner up Ali Laird with 5 points. The heaviest fish was a 1ln grey mullet caught by Dan Welch. Special thanks go to High Street Tackle who kindly sponsored the event. Prizes were also provided by Combe Martin SAC and North Devon Angling News.



Colorful tub gurnard
Colorful tub gurnard


Lyn Wilson with the first fish of the day.
Lyn Wilson with the first fish of the day.


Tompot blenny
Tompot blenny



Dan Welch -  grey mullet 1lb
Dan Welch – grey mullet 1lb



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Despite some lumpy sea conditions, Rob Young didn’t waste any time finding the fish on a recent trip to North Devon after making the lengthy trip from South Wales for a 7.00am start with Stefan Jones. The day afloat with Stefan  resulted in this remarkable bull huss that was weighed afloat registering somewhere  between 14 and 16lb! The following day Rob fished from the coast with local angler Kevin Legge and landed a good bass of around 6lb as well as several other fish.


(Below)  Stefan release a hard fighting conger at the side of the boat.


Stafford Moor – Carp Catches

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Autumn has to be one of the best times for the carp fisher as temperatures start to drop the carp sense this and start to feed harder in preparation for the cold winter months ahead.  The leaves take on their bronzed and golden hues mirroring the flanks of the carp illuminated by the sunlight or beam of the torchlight.


Wayne Grinney with one of his 12 catches from the summerhouse swim on Beatties lake (Wayne had 12 fish out in 12 hours ) using home made boilie’s this one is a 29lb 8oz (below).


Steve Pinn who is a regular  at Stafford Moor (he calls it his second home ) caught this fine mirror carp on CC Moore Pacific tuna boilie’s a new personal best of 21lb 6oz . (Below)

(Below )Alexander McDonald who had 21 fish out in 48 hours using DNA baits up to 23lb 3oz.




posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

 Another success story from Anglers Paradise :- Latest report from Zenia
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Husband and Wife, Simon Harrison, 38 and Saskia Harrison 31, came all the way from Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire, for their 1st ever time to Fish Nirvana’s Day Ticket Xanadu, in the hope of achieving their Personal Bests.
Simon wanted to catch his 1st ever 30 and Saskia wanted to catch an upper double to achieve her PB.
Well, they Both DID IT!! Simon caught the Stunning Xanna at 31lbs 12oz, then Saskia beat her PB Twice, first with a 16lb Common and then beat it again with a 19lb 8oz Mirror!! Simon also caught a 17lb 4oz Common during his session.

All fish were caught on Sticky Baits Manilla, Simon and Saskia were certainly one VERY Happy Couple and rightly so!

Anglers Paradise
Anglers Paradise


14193856_10154489773247533_347403858_nCombe Martin SAC hold their Annual Fun Fish tomorrow on Ilfracombe Pier fishing 1.00pm until 4.00pm.

We have special guests from IFCA and the Coastguard and an array of quality prizes from our sponsors High Street Tackle and from COMBE MARTIN SAC and North Devon Angling News.

The top prize is for most species by an angler 18 or under. There will also be a senior prize for most species, a prize for heaviest  fish prize and runners up.

Anglers can register two fish of each species each fish scoring one point.

To reduce tangles one rod only please at a time.

ENTRY IS FREE – Just turn up and register.

Full REport and pictures on North Devon Angling News tomorrow night!
