posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Carp anglers had to ensure that their bivvy’s were well secured at the weekend as gale force winds swept across the country. Being out in the elements is all part of the excitement however and makes success ever sweeter.

Amanda Curtis with her new PB of 19lb 8oz from lodge lake yesterday.


Kyle Stacey (Below) with his 19lb 8oz catch from
Lodge lake using mainline cell.




posted in: Match Fishing, Sidebar | 0


Some bumper match weights at Stafford Moor despite some challenging weather conditions.

Stafford Moor – Open Match Wednesday 17thAugust

1st Dave Stockton Peg 36 Woodpecker: 159lbs 10oz

2nd   John Kiddle Peg 16 Woodpecker: 134lbs 5oz

3rd Sean Brennan Peg 36 Tanners: 108lbs 11oz

4th Rob Pritchard Peg 32 Woodpecker: 104lbs 13oz

Stafford Moor – Open Match Sunday 21st August

1st –Colin Horwood Peg 25 Tanners: 136lbs 12oz

2nd Phil Hardwick Peg 6 Tanners: 112lbs 7oz

3rd Lee Jan Peg 34 Tanners: 107lbs 1oz

4th Steve Forshaw Peg 30 Tanners: 102lbs 12oz



posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Ben Pearman fished a 48-hour session at Slade Reservoir and tempted three carp to mid doubles using good old traditional bait sweetcorn.

Slade has produced several twenty pound plus carp this summer and offers discerning anglers a change from the more popular commercial waters.




posted in: Game Fishing, Sidebar | 0

It is hoped that the present rain will bring the very low River Torridge up and encourage a few more salmon and sea trout into the river. I fished the river today ( Saturday August 20th) and found three salmon lying up in a deep pool. I carefully covered the fish using a small stoats tail pattern with no interest shown. I hen changed to a bead headed long tailed black pattern and fished it as if casting a nymph to a trout. On the second cast a salmon turned and seized the offering twisting and turning for a few moments before the hook hold gave way. Whilst I had blanked it was good to hook my first salmon of the season. Its always a joy to be at the rivers edge to see a salmon and glimpse a kingfisher is reward enough.

Dr Jonathon Compson landing eleven sea trout in two late evening sessions. Martin Weeks has also enjoyed success landing several sea trout averaging 1lb to 2lb and a couple of grilse in the 3lb to 4lb range fishing at night for sea trout. Last weekend saw a small spate hit the rivers that should encourage a few more fish into the rivers.

Below is the latest newsletter from the River Torridge Fishery Association an organization well worth joining if you care for the river, its salmon and its health.





Fishery Update: two good spates in June and another at the beginning of August have kept the river at a reasonable level. Salmon and sea trout catches have been similar to recent years. There has been a run of grilse (approx 4lb) and these are now well spread throughout the catchment. Interestingly some have been caught by anglers fishing for sea trout after dark. At least two double figure sea trout have been caught and released. The brown trout fishing has been good, but as in recent years most of the fish have been caught with a nymph or wet fly.

The Hatchery: it’s that time of the year again: in early November we will be trapping the broodstock of five hens and six cocks. This winter we are again planning to rear upto 30,000 swim-up fry to stock out into the headwaters next spring. Running the hatchery is an expensive operation and we do need your support if we are going to be able to continue to stock those tributaries that currently demonstrate low juvenile numbers.

Juvenile Surveys: your association has commissioned the West Country Rivers Trust to undertake an extensive juvenile survey programme. Over the next three years. 40 sites will be surveyed. This will give us a far better understanding of which sections of the catchment are failing. The cost to the Association will be in excess of £6,000. Again your support is essential to enable this project to be completed.

The Annual Fundraising Dinner and Draw: will take place at The Half Moon, Sheepwash on Saturday 8th October. Please book direct with The Half Moon: tel: 01409231376.

The Annual Fundraising Raffle: enclosed are four books of five tickets. Please buy or even better sell to your friends. Then return the completed counterfoils/money to Charles Inniss at the above address. There will be the usual excellent prize list. If additional draw books are required or if you are able to donate a prize, please contact either Charles Inniss or Paul Ashworth on 01805804143.

Salmon Season Extension: the salmon season will again be extended by a fortnight until the 14th October. Special permits can be obtained from the Secretary. During the extension period fishing must be with single barbless hooks and all fish must be released.

Salmon Bye-law: a reminder that all salmon over 70cms (approx 7lb) must, after 1st August, be released. The Association encourages the release of all salmon and just as important all sea trout.


The River Torridge Fishery Association

President: Lord Clinton

Chairman: Paul Ashworth

Secretary: Charles Inniss Tel: 01409231237   e-mail: [email protected]









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Report from Tony at Furzebray


Clover 38lb
Clover 38lb

Clover was banked on August 18th by Damien Beal at a massive weight of 38lb!! This fish is just unbelievable it just keeps growing and at this rate should be pushing 40+ by the spring… The weed here at the mo is not to everyones liking but this is what weed and clear water does to the fish!! never seen her looking so good 🙂 🙂 Well done Damien on a great capture.



posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Paul Dunn has landed a fine mirror carp of 30lb fishing Stafford Moors Beatties Lake. Mainline cell boilie’s were once again the successful bait.

Paul Dunn
Paul Dunn

image2Brandon Galley fished Beatties Dam wall to land a 19lb Mirror using home made boilies. Brandon’s grandad Warren also enjoyed success as pictured below.


Harry Collins (Below) with 2 of his catches from Beattie’s lake using mainline cell one is a 22lb 10oz & 22lb 5oz.
