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Its always good to get news of young anglers enjoying success as these are the anglers of the future. Joanne at Stafford Moor sent me these images of early angling success.

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(Above) Mark & Debbie Brett’s triplets who are Bailey, Bluebell and Harley age 4 this was there first fishing trip on oak lake

(Below) Charlie Vernon who was here with dad Josh with his 14lb catch from Beatties using sticky baits white pop ups and pellets .


Victory for North Devon Match Group over Bude Pirates

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Bude Canal Angling Club Versus North Devon Match Group 2nd leg Bude canal

Result NDMG secured victory over Bude , 207 points to 199 in the return match on the canal , blustery conditions made fishing tricky for the 28 anglers, Nathan Underwood took top individual with 14lb 2oz from the deeper bottom basin on worm on the long pole, Neilsen Jeffery was 2nd with 11lb 2oz of skimmers on the tip on maggot also in the bottom basin 3rd place was Ian Gray top basin 10lb 9oz of roach on short pole, 4th with 9lb 10oz Paul Ware in the narrows Overal points NDMG 450 Bude 362.


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posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0


Zenia at Anglers Paradise sent this excellent account of her recent success at Angler Paradise with a little help from top angling guide Julian Chidgey.

I’m still shaking as I write this, as I still can’t believe that after so many years and having 2 Sons, meant I had to take a step back from my favourite Sport Fishing, but knew when they grew a little older, that I would get my turn again!

I am now 32 Years of age, a full time Mum and Run Anglers Paradise with My Mum and Dad (Rose and Zyg Gregorek) and Husband Joe Drury, so time never allowed me to fish like I used to before becoming a Mum, hence the 6 year wait! After so many years not fishing, but looking and writing about other angler’s catches, it kept me going and just felt happy to see others do so well and also sharing the passion I know and love for the sport, but it was finally time that I got out there too, I mentally couldn’t wait any longer!

It had been a long time, so my memory of knots and techniques needed remembering, so that’s why I asked my good Friend Julian Chidgey from Inspired Angling Services to take me Fishing and ‘Re-train’ me!

We first set up on the Main Carp Lake and walked around the Lake to find the Fish, it was a hot sunny day and the Fish were showing on the surface, so we took a rod, some dog biscuits and away we went on my long awaited adventure. We found a good spot, but the fish were crafty and we had to work for it, finally my first Fish was on! It was a good fight and took me straight into the Lily Pads, Julian knew how much this meant to me, and before I knew it, he was in the water and like the Fishing Indiana Jones, he waded through as I fought the fish and untangled it free to my Net! I jumped for joy as I saw it was my First Ever Grass Carp at 11lbs 7oz, my smile says it all, absolutely over the moon!!


After a quick Lunch Break to re-fuel, we decided to keep on with the same tactic to search for bigger Fish off the top, that’s when we went to the Specimen Carp Lake, there was plenty of Stunning and Big Carp basking in the Sun, so we wasted no time, we crept around the lake and threw some dog biscuits in to get them feeding and confidence up, every time I saw these Big Beautiful Mirrors and Commons swim past my heart was pounding, Julian said to me when we were walking to the Lake, you’re going to catch a 30, and I told him to be quiet as that would never happen and I didn’t even want to risk jinxing it, there’s no way I could do that on my first session!!
Then, the Big one came towards us, almost teasing us and turning away right at the last minute each time, but after a few turns, she finally took the biscuit and she was on!! I knew it was a big fish as soon as I felt the strength of her fight, in true Carp Style, she did everything she could to take me into the Lily Pads, and that she did, Indiana Julian wasted no time and again he waded in, I kept the rod high and line tight with all my strength, whilst Julian cleared the Lilies, I’ve never fought so hard to catch a fish, but there was no way we were letting this possible PB go! She came free and I continued to play her, I couldn’t believe she was still on, and by me and Julian working together like a team, after another 10minutes fight she was in the net!! I couldn’t believe it when I saw her, it felt like a dream. We got her on the scales, the suspense was killing me, 10 years ago I caught my PB Mirror of 27lb 8oz, never would I think I could beat that on my first session back, I couldn’t look, Julian’s face said it all, he asked me to look, and told me that was no longer my PB…I had to look to believe him, there it was 31lbs 4oz on the Scales – OH MY GOD!!! I couldn’t believe it, and I was shaking with adrenaline and excitement all in one, I tried not to scream too loud but this was a very special moment to me and I am so grateful to Julian in helping me gain the confidence to do what I live for, without his help and tuition, this day would not have happened.

The afternoon was spent Rig Tying and Knot tying, as I wanted to be confident in going fishing again on my own, and would need to do these without Julian next time.


That night, on the D Rigs I had tied, I baited them both with a Paradise Baits Original Raspberry Pop Up, and hoped that my luck would continue. At 3am, I reeled in and netted a 19lb 11oz Mirror followed straight away by a stunning little Fully Scaled 10lb Mirror.
I can honestly say that the 6 year wait was DEFINITELY worth it, and I am the happiest girl in Devon right now!! Thank you to my Friend Julian for his guidance and tuition as he has given me the confidence and knowledge that I needed and I can’t wait for more angling adventures, because now this Mummy is ready to fish again. Fishing is a Sport all about Sportsmanship and helping others achieve their goals as well as our own, Julian did that for me, and I am so grateful to him helping me achieve a Fishing Dream made to reality!
The Morale of the Story is Ladies; never stop believing in yourself, if I can do it, then you all can too!

Anglers Paradise
Anglers Paradise


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Anglers have enjoyed some great sport at the recently re-opened Blakewell Fishery.

A nice brace of trout! Not one but two doubles for Jerry Smith, I think that constitutes a good day’s fishing, with rainbows of 18lb 2oz & 16lb 10oz! (Below)

14292504_1495782380437974_7248082897558505936_nJim & Debbie Barnes, best fish 5lb 4oz, caught on damsels and bloodworm patterns, although we’re into autumn small flies are still doing the damage the 5lber took a size 16 bloodworm pattern! Other anglers found black buzzers and black and peacock spiders to size 12 were working best… (Below)


NDMG – September Championship No9 OAKTREE BOTTOM LAKE

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1st Neilsen Jeffery 35lb 5oz

2nd Christopher Morris 31lb 12oz

3rd Martin Turner 28ib 4oz 4th John Forster 22lb 5oz

5th Andy Bayleyy 19lb 14oz

Well done to Neilsen Jeffery landing a large carp in overtime with 2mins to spare to pip Christopher Morris , Neilsen took odd carp throughout the day on pole fished corn, Chris’s net included a fine perch of almost 3lb.

14445675_554540474730160_576290323_n14407714_554540468063494_1337894899_nMartin Turner ( Above)

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posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Jason Tee has been in fine form at day ticket water Jennetts reservoir, Bideford, and has landed seven 20lb+ fish in his last couple of visits all on boilie hookbaits with the largest going to 27.03.



Ben Pearman fished a 48hr session at  Slade Reservoir to celebrate his birthdayand was rewarded for his effort with 4 carp the biggest being a fine common weighing 23lb 12oz all caught on sticky baits krill.

Bass and Ray for Dave and Kevin – Guest reporter Jansen Teakle VMO

posted in: Sea Angling, Sidebar | 0

As the summer comes to pass and there is a distinct freshness to the autumn air, north Devon angler Kevin Legge has for the last few years turned his attention towards surf fishing for bass. With most anglers heading for the local rock marks in pursuit of conger and maybe a tope, the surf beaches are for the most part devoid of anglers and Kevin, together with a couple of friends, has enjoyed some tremendous fishing. Although his personal best bass from the beach is 15lb 12oz (the current Bristol Channel record), it is rare that he goes a season without seeing a fish of specimen size.

This year has been no different and recent sessions have been extremely productive for both Kevin and regular fishing partner Dave Brook.

Only last night, Kevin and Dave had planned to tackle their regular stretch of beach but were a little uncertain as to whether it would be fishable. With the forecast onset of strong winds, Kevin realised it would be highly probable that there would be an onshore swell developing as a result of a weather front developing out in the Atlantic. Such conditions often bring with them rafts of weed which make the beach near impossible to fish, so the decision was made to try a little further along the coast at Putsborough. The prominent rock peninsula of Baggy Point would offer some protection, at least that was the plan, and so Kevin and Dave headed off across the sands, the roar of the ocean ever present.

Kevin’s approach is a little different to that of the regular surf angler who historically has fished with as light a lead as possible. Kevin fishes with 7oz leads on regular pulley rigs. A pair of 6/0 Varivas Big Mouth Xtra hooks complete the set up and are baited with a fillet of blast frozen Ammo mackerel. Mackerel is rarely in short supply in Devon, but Kevin has experiment to great lengths with both fresh and frozen mackerel and it is interesting to note that the blast frozen bait out-fishes the fresh bait by a considerable margin.

Tackling up some hundred yards apart in order to give each other plenty of space, Kevin only had to wait ten minutes before a small bite registered on his rod tip. Before too long, the tip began to pull over and a steady rasp of line was pulled from the reel, the ratchet singing out in the wind. Making contact, it was evident that this was a big fish and Dave came over to assist Kevin in the surf. Sure enough, a long bass came into view and was guided onto dry land.


Double figure delight for KevinKevin’s fish was admired, weighed at 10lb 7oz in a light sling, photographed and returned, but whilst this drama was unfolding, his second rod that had been neglected for the last ten minutes was also paying out line to an as-yet unseen adversary. Once again, Kevin was into a fish, but despite his initial thoughts turning to a second bass, it soon became clear this was not the case.

Dave looked on inquisitively as both anglers awaited the fish to come ashore. Soon, all was revealed and as suspected it was not a bass but a specimen size small eyed ray of 9lb 12oz.


This was a spectacular start for the dynamic duo but Dave was more than aware that his own rods were all alone further down the beach so after taking further photos of Kevin with his ray, he made his way back down the beach to see what the state of play was.

Both rod’s were there on the stand, but one was not as it had been left… in fact it was as straight as a needle and the line was blowing about wildly in the buffeting wind. Dave wound down into the slack and and lifted the rod, not knowing just how long it had been like this. As luck would have it, the rod pulled back in his grasp and the fish was still there! With plenty of head shakes as the fish swam parallel with the beach, Dave was certain that this fish was a bass and sure enough in the beam of his lamp a  black back emerged from the froth and a prime bass was slid up the sand.


Dave’s bass weighed in at over 8lb, but the two anglers weren’t done just yet. Over the next two hours they added two more small eyed rays and Kevin found another bass of just over 7lb.



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Lee Galley and his son Nick Galley fished on Beatties lake for 48 hours they had 10 fish out using there own home made boilies on Gardener stiff rigs they had up to 26lb.

Lee Galley (Above)


Nick Galley (Above)


Lee Waring who fished Stafford Moorfor the first time enjoying a successful session  on beatties then on lodge lake using cc moore live system boilie’s he had a few fish out including this chunky mirror pictured below .

image1Danny Hayman landed a fine  29lb mirror from Beatties Lake  on the dam wall main line cell boilie’s . (Below)



Mike Faulkner with one of his many catches from lodge lake using sticky baits Manilla boilies this one is a 22lb 2oz. (Above)


Alexander McDonald had 8 fish out of Beatties in 24 hours using DNA Baits up to 21lb 7oz. (Above)
