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Joanne Combes keeps a steady stream of reports coming from Stafford Moor here are the latest catches from Lodge Lake.

Lee Waring with one of his 26 catches yes 26 !! From lodge lake using mainline cell boilies with GOO (almond bait smoke ) up to 24lb he said if was his best fishing session he has ever had . He was here for 36 hours was gonna do 24 but don’t want to go home as he was in a roll !

Eddie Scott who had a few fish out up to 25lb using cc Moore live system boilies
From lodge lake yesterday . (Below)



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I found this article this evening whilst looking for something else on the computer. It first appeared in the monthly Sea Fishing Magazine that went out of circulation a while back.

A visit to a remote beach I last fished over thirty years ago gives cause for reflection and analysis of the passing years.


On summer nights we waded out into the surf and cast our strips of mackerel into the dark night beneath star-studded skies. The high cliffs and hills towered above us; behind us on the foreshore paraffin Tilley lamps hissed emitting a comforting glow. We held our rods in eager anticipation as the early flood tide crept up sandy channels between the rock and kelp. The cool night air filled with that delightful aroma of surf and seaweed. The Modern Arms super flex hollow fibreglass reverse taper beachcaster was matched to an ABU Ambassadeur 7000c with its iconic red side plates. This was loaded with dark blue 18lb b.s Sylcast line. Of course not every night was a success though sometimes it all came together and that slight tug on the line would be followed by a powerful lunge as a silver sided bass moved away with the bait. The rod was swept back and we would run backwards up the beach to set the hook. The drama of the battle remains etched upon the mind and the sight of the bass as it came to the shore with its bristling defiant fins. Followed by the triumphant moment when the silver prize was held aloft to be gazed upon in wonder.

Looking back into old diaries I find notes of successful forays. On one such night we fished from 9.30pm until 6.00am and I landed a bass of 6lb 14oz whilst my mate Nick Phillips landed a fine bass of 8lb 4oz. This was September 5th and 6th 1980 hard to believe that it was over thirty fours years ago. Looking at my diary I fished there again the following summer landing a bass of 6lb 10oz. These bass whilst not huge were the culmination of several summer and autumn nights fishing this wild and rugged beach. I had first fished the beach in 1976 after hearing of a double figure bass landed from this remote shoreline. In 1976 I was a teenager of fifteen mad keen on fishing especially for bass and grey mullet.

Those nights of adventure are vivid images burnt into my memory. I wonder how many teenagers would venture out to fish through the night these days? Back then the Combe Martin Sea Angling Club had a strong junior membership of over twenty. For a few years sea fishing was all the rage amongst the village youth. Of course in this day and age how many parents would allow their children to disappear onto a wild rugged shoreline and fish through the night returning home the following day long after the sun had risen.

There was an elderly gentlemen I knew who had lived in the village all his life and must have been into his late eighties. He had fought through the First World War and undoubtedly had many tales to tell. I remember him mentioning the beach and how they had set long lines there as boys. Did you catch bass I asked? No codling he replied and lots of them.

I have intended to go back to this beach many times over recent seasons but had not got around to it until I eventually set a date in the diary to meet up with long time fishing buddy Kevin Legge. I had viewed the beach from high above back in the spring after the winter storms and was heartened by a large expanse of sand. The beach has always been a mixture of rock and sand patches with dense kelp beds flanking the beach at low water.

On this evening in early September we arrived at the top of the cliff after a strenuous hike and looked down at the familiar bay below. The path descended winding through dense blackthorn, bracken and brambles. The sweet fragrance of honeysuckle hung in the air and the distinctive sound of crickets was all around. The last few yards to the beach saw us scramble down a grey scree of loose shale and mud.

Standing on the beach I was eager to tackle up but paused a moment or two to take in the scene. The tide had already pushed up past the sand and onto the steep shelving shingle. The sun was still high in the sky and illuminated the familiar coastline that I have fished for over forty years. A big swell was pounding the shoreline, that familiar smell of surf and seaweed filled the air.

The mile long walk to the mark would have been hard going in waders so Kevin had worn light weight walking boots, whilst I had worn a pair of old trainers. Waders and wading boots were packed in our rucksacks to don on arrival at the beach.

I baited with a side of Ammo mackerel whilst Kevin elected to use a large portion of juice and scent oozing spider crab. The baits were launched out beyond the breakers. A considerable quantity of weed could be seen close into the shore and it was obvious that this could cause us difficulties if the line became fouled. To conquer this we held the rods high up to keep the line clear.

After twenty minutes or so Kevin indicated that something had intercepted his bait. Kevin seldom rushes and analysed what was happening out beyond the waves. A tap on the rod tip was followed by slackening line as whatever had the bait moved towards the shore. The rod was lifted and the reel handle cranked until the prize was persuaded to come towards the beach. I placed my rod in the rod rest as high as possible and walked to the waters edge. We both expected to see the silver flanks of a bass but it was no bass that emerged but a bull huss of around 8lb!


To catch in full daylight was a great start to the session as the best time is generally at the turn of the light or after dark when many species move closer to the shoreline. The night’s High water was an hour after sunset; ideally it would have been an hour later but we could only fish Saturday night due to work and other commitments.

Whilst it was light we could observe the presence of the floating weed and at times it was possible to fish with rods upon a rest with the butt cups situated well up the tripods back leg with the rod tip high. As darkness fell I decided to try and fish a second rod and improve my chances. Shortly after casting it became obvious that weed had fouled the line as the rod tip bounced with the crashing of each wave. I reeled in quickly placing the rod with my tackle at the top of the beach. As I returned to the other rod I cursed for I had undoubtedly missed my first chance of a fish as the line had fallen slack ensnaring the line in several pounds of weed.


I continued with the fish bait using a cocktail of Ammo mackerel and dirty squid fished on a pennel rig consisting of 6/0 Sakuma Extras. After casting out I made every effort to ensure that the line was tight with the rod held high. A large rock at the top of the beach enabled me to clamber higher ensuring the line was well clear of the breaking waves and weed. At around high water I felt a tap followed by slackening line, on setting the hook I felt that pleasing living resistance as the fish was brought ashore. Again it was not the expected bass but another plump huss of 5lb to 6lb. After a quick picture out went fresh bait that was once again intercepted after a few minutes with another similar sized huss brought writhing through the surf.


Kevin was also getting bites but failed to connect until eventually hooking the culprit a plump codling of a couple of pounds.

We fished the tide back for two hours of the ebb and packed away close to midnight. With a star-studded sky high above we set off up the steep winding path to the top of the cliff where we lingered for a few moments to glance back across the Bristol Channel and the bay.

It was hard to believe that it was over thirty years since I had last walked this path rod in hand. I will be back to fish the beach again soon in hope of a silver bass. Time stands still on this wild beach as generation’s fish there from time to time. A hundred years ago my old friend caught codling, as did Kevin on this night. We never caught bull huss on our trips three decades before so perhaps this reflects an increase in numbers of this species. Strangely I have never seen a dogfish caught from the venue.

It’s a strange perspective returning to a mark after thirty years in some ways nothing has changed. This gives a comforting realisation that nature and the landscape endure beyond our mortality. Next morning my aching legs reminded me that I was either getting older or I needed to get more regular exercise. The fishing tackle we used had improved but in reality it contributed little to the experience. We tend to think that there were more fish about thirty years ago but in reality my fishing diary tells a different story. Whilst we remember the silver bass we forget the blank sessions and nights when we caught just a couple of pouting.



  • If it’s a long walk pack the waders in the rucksack and wear light weight walking boots or trainers.
  • If there is a lot of weed fish one rod and hold the tip high.
  • Observe where the weed is gathering twenty yards along the beach it may not be as dense.
  • Be aware that beaches change with sand and rock patches changing with tides and storms.
  • Time your session to coincide with peak times.




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Many thanks to Nick Smith for allowing me to use his excellent account of a day aboard Ilfracombe based Charter boat ‘Bluefin’ skippered by John Barbeary.


Well what a great day out with John Barbeary and his boat Blue Fin, arrived in Ilfracombe this morning just after 7, to find Craig Crafty Mcloughlin of The Braunton Bait shop delivering 200 live sand eels to the boat, thanks to Craig for a great service and the eels certainly did the job….
Steamed out of the harbour in glorious sunshine with the horseshoe are first mark, but this proved uneventful so after a couple of drifts we decided to head on down channel to baggy in hope of some bass.
the water wasn’t very clear and this obviously hindered our attempts with just a few pollock and a nice scad coming over the gunnels. With fishing slow John told us to pull the lines in he’d had enough and we were going to Lundy……
When we arrived the water was much clearer and it wasn’t long before we started pulling in the pollock, I even managed to snag a rare fish it seems nowadays with a nice fat mackerel and Paul Lorrimore had his first cuckoo wrasse.
We dropped the anchor to see if there was any tope about but to no avail, with big Al landing a nice huss and young Toby Bassett managing a few doggies…..🙂
John then got a call on the radio to say they were getting bass on the horseshoe, so we steamed back and finished off the day there drifting for the bass. It wasn’t long before the first silver bar was over the gunnels falling to Tom Collingridge, with Scott Shepherd, closely behind before we all started catching them…..
Scott managed the best fish of the day with a whopping scad of 1lb 12oz, which is not only a PB but a new bristol channel record also, so well done bud.

But as always all good things must come to an end so with a bucket full of bass and pollock to clean and a rather messy boat to wash down we headed back to Ilfracombe……


Stafford Moor – Carp News

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More stunning carp from Stafford Moor.

Mark Stacey and son Kyle Stacey  with there new personal bests from Lodge lake dam wall this weekend using mainline cell .( Below)

image2image1Ian Collins ( Below) who had many out from the inlet swim on Beatties using sticky baits Manilla boilies below with his 23lb 3oz.

image1Andy Stapleton with his 18lb catch from lodge lake using banoffee high biz pop ups. (Below)

image1Nathan Bridle with his 29lb 4oz catch from Beatties lake using mainline cell boilies .(below)



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14550804_10210745186131856_1577389037_oTarrant Wotton and Lee Watts with their winning flounder

The flounder season is certainly underway now with Taz Wotton taking top spot in Bidefords monthly rover landing a flounder of 1lb 83/4oz.  Lee Watts secured second and third with flounder of 1lb 81/4oz and 1lb 7oz.

The club also held the Des Clements Memorial Competition that raised £25 for charity and was won by Taz Wotton with his flounder.

Jazza John secured the top three places in Appledore Shipbuilders Match weighing in flounder of 1lb 151/4oz, 1lb 11oz and 1lb 9oz. Jack Pike took the junior prize with a wrasse of 2lb 21/4oz.

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The annual Lyn Fish open competition attracted twenty local anglers competing for cash prizes and an impressive prize table from sponsors Sakuma Tackle and Braunton Baits. The event is a catch and release specimen match with fishing from boat and shore.

Anglers fished a wide variety of marks between the boundaries Minehead Harbour wall and Clovelly Harbour. Most of the winning fish coming from marks in the Lynmouth to Ilfracombe area.

Day one was blighted by a strong westerly wind that made boat fishing impossible and shore fishing a bit of a trial. Grey mullet were a popular target species with several competitors and it was these hard fighting fish that were being targeted by Daniel Welch on Saturday night when he hooked a hard fighting fish that took off on several long runs before eventually being netted. The fish turned out to be fine conditioned bass of 7lb 13oz tempted on bread-flake and size 8 hook!


On the Saturday evening tide James Fradgely- Gubb and Rob Scoines fished a rock mark buffeted by the strong wind. A couple of good fish were lost but James eventually managed to land a specimen bull huss of 10lb 1oz.

In the early hours of Sunday morning Kevin Legge and Dave Brooke fished a rough ground mark where Kevin landed a couple of huss the best scaling 9lb 6oz. Kevin also landed a blonde ray of around 7lb that was a surprise on the rough ground they were fishing.


John Avery and myself targeted grey mullet and at 6.00am on the Sunday morning I cast out a two hook rig baited with bread flake. Seconds later I noticed the rod tip rattle and grabbed the rod as the butt lifted from the ground. A powerful fish surged away and battle commenced. A few minutes later John expertly wielded the net and a very pleasing mullet was secured. At 5lb 2oz it was a great start to the day! img_3583


After a couple of quiet hours fishing we moved to another mark and found the mullet in a feeding frenzy landing half a dozen with John and Callum Gove landing the majority with Johns best scaling 2lb 9oz.


Louis Rooke and John Shapland paid a visit to the estuary in search of grey mullet and flounder. Louis managed the only weigh-able fish of note a plump flounder of 1lb 6oz.

The calm weather on Sunday enabled the boats to get afloat and Rob Scoines boated the best boat caught specimen of the day a small eyed ray of 9lb 13oz. Ross Stanway boated the biggest fish of the weekend; a tope of 30lb.



The weigh in and prize giving was held at the Rising Sun Lynmouth where platefuls of scrumptious sandwiches and hot chips were provided for the hungry anglers who had fished hard over the two days. Raffle tickets were sold for an array of impressive prizes donated by local businesses with the proceeds going to West Exmoor Federation.


The raffle and fishing competition helped to raise £400 for the West Exmoor Federation of schools.


Full Results:-

1st – Wayne Thomas – Grey Mullet – Shore – 5lb 2oz – 128%

2nd – James Gugg-Fradgely – bull huss – Shore – 10lb 1oz – 101%

3rd – Rob Scoines – Boat – small eyed ray – 9lb 13oz – 98%

4th– Daniel Welch – Shore – bass – 7lb 13oz – 97%

5th – Kevin Legge –Shore – bull huss – 9lb 6oz– 93%

6th – Ross Stanway – Boat- tope – 30lb -75%

7th – Louise Rooke –Shore – Flounder – 1lb 6oz – 68%

8th – John Avery – Shore – Grey Mullet – 2lb 9oz – 64%


Combe Martin SAC give special thanks to all who participated and supported the event, to Sakuma and Braunton Baits for donating some excellent prizes. Thanks also to Tony Vickery and all at the Rising Sun for providing delicious food and making all welcome.