
Another year has almost ended as we approach the Winter solstice on December 21st and whilst we have only just entered winter this date signals the journey towards the spring and rebirth. As an angler my thoughts are tempered far more by the changing environment than the man made calendar.

Much of my angling effort at this time of year is beside the sea casting baits into the darkness from the local rock marks. The mystery of the sea entrances and entices vigils beside the water in hope of spurdog, bull huss, ray, conger and perhaps cod. The changing climate is influencing what we catch and this provides an exciting ever evolving challenge.

As I grow older I know that my days clambering around the rocks are numbered. I have had a few near misses and grow increasingly aware of the risks. But I just love being beside the water the anticipation and the feeling of being out there in the elements.

Whilst the salmon and sea trout fishing is months away I still take an interest in their life’s journey and try to glimpse the fish spawning on the redds high on the moors. I peered over a bridge on Exmoor a few days ago, a salmons wasted carcass lay upon the gravels. I wondered if it had succeeded on its journey and contributed to the next generation?


How has the weather impacted upon this years spawning a big spate in mid November had helped the fish to forge to their spawning grounds but since then the rivers have shrunk back after a period of little rain. What happens this year will affect the fishing season around 2021.

Stillwater trout provide a temporary connection with fish of an adipose nature. Hard fighting rainbow trout in cold clear waters with the thrill of the take and a great excuse to be out enjoying the great winter outdoors.


I read of carp and plan to cast more for these fish next year if I can find the time. There are so many waters that hold carp these days but which water suits my style of fishing. Commercial fisheries offer the chance of a personal best and I am tempted to chase a thirty pounder. Yet a neglected overgrown pond that is seldom fished appeals more to my carp fishing soul.

If I find time I will target perch and pike over the coming months. Pike is surely the essence of winter coarse fishing. A red tipped float optimistically poised upon dark waters that reflect the skeletal trees and dead reeds of winter.


A foray after grayling in cold clear waters trotting a float or casting an upstream nymph. Perhaps a session after silver flanked roach with crimson fins. As I list the joys of winter fishing I no longer struggle with the melancholic atmosphere of the season for I know that I cannot hope to fit in all that I wish to do before the spring arrives full of promise. All too soon we will meet in a riverside Inn and discuss past seasons and enthusiastically embrace the start of new salmon season. Trout fishing will commence on rivers and reservoirs. In the words of Jethro Tull; “Life’s a long song,
But the tune ends too soon for us all”.


Rising Sun

The Art of Fly Tying

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I joined South Molton Angling Club members at the Coach and Horses Inn at South Molton where local Fly Tier Matt Kingdon gave a demonstration of his skills in creating flies and lures to tempt the wisest of trout. Matt used all the latest materials to whip together fur and feather in an impressive display of skill chatting as he tied about the factors that make a good fly, First rule is of course that the fly should be tied on a quality hook! Each fly is tied using features that create triggers to entice the trout, to do this the fly should appear natural in the water. To this I would add that the fly should appeal to the angler for with confidence in the fly comes success.



Local angling guide Bryan Martin also joined in tying a stoats tail salmon fly that I intend to put to good use next season!

img_1553 Stoats Tail -Variant

In addition to vast range of materials used in tying the flies Matt also gave useful tips such as the use of Hard as nails available from Boot’s and Super drug for varnishing the heads of the flies.

img_1550img_1541Rising Sun

Significant Changes for Underperforming Wimbleball!

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Wimbleball Reservoir has been a splendid location for trout fishers for many years but sadly its days as a premier trout fishery appear to be over as South West Lakes Trust have today sent out a letter indicating that the fisheries future is to change for the worse.


Dear All

May I take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Wimbleball fishery during the 2016 season.

I am writing to inform you that there will be significant changes next year and wanted to make you aware of these at an early stage before you plan your fishing for next season.

Unfortunately the fishery at Wimbleball has continued to underperform in the face of rising costs and as a charity we cannot continue to operate in this unsustainable way. Therefore in 2017 we will not be stocking the lake while we take the time to review the operation and identify the best way forward. We all know what a great fishery Wimbleball can be and its future remains important to us. However we also believe that it should only operate as a premier rainbow trout fishery if we are able to offer the very best experience to our anglers, so we are going to take this time to make the right decisions, both for the Charity and you, our customers.

During 2017 we will be offering low cost fishing for over wintered Rainbows, Blues and natural Browns. Browns will remain as catch and release to protect the very good natural stocks. In 2016 we stocked Rainbows to 7lbs and some cracking Blues, many of which were not caught and we anticipate there will be plenty of fish to catch in spring and early summer and some terrific brown trout fishing in August and September. There will be one type of ticket available (day permits) at £10.00 for up to 3 Rainbows. Catch and release is optional.

We will not be operating the boats for 2017 so fishing will be from the bank only. Some new areas of bank have been cleared by our Wardens.

The permits will be available online at or from the permit room on site.

For clubs and group bookings we would be happy to offer some really good rates for fishing at our other fisheries such as Kennick or Siblyback where we have terrific boat or bank fishing available. For individuals we would also be happy to discuss great rates for buying day tickets in bulk.

Wimbleball will remain a qualifying venue for the Best of the Best competition with the final being held at Kennick on 15th October.

While I appreciate that this will not be welcome news, I trust that you will understand our position and in the meantime I hope you will take advantage of the low cost option for 2017.

If you would like to discuss our plans further please do not hesitate to contact myself, Alex Forster or Ben Smeeth.

Your sincerely

Colin Vallance
Heritage and Environment Director, South West Lakes Trust
Managing Director, Wheal Martyn Trust




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Many thanks to Paul Lorrimore for permission to use his account of recent foray to the dark waters off Ilfracombe aboard ‘Bluefin’

Paul Lorrimore reports on a recent the 6 hour night trip on Board. John Barbeary’s ‘Blue-Fin’  off Ilfracombe with Troy, Pete and Rob.

We steamed a mile down towards Lee bay intending to pass 45 minutes until we could push out to mid channel as the tide slackened off.
From the first drop it was clear the fish were moving in close under the cover of darkness as a smooth hound of around 6-7lb nailed my baited cod feathers.
Pete soon hooked into a good huss sadly lost at the side but would have been a good double.
More huss and smooth hounds came to the rail in short order along with a double figure eel to Pete.

A small pack of spurdog hit the baits next with Troy and Rob picking up a couple along with a further smooth hound to Pete.
John gave us the decision to stay or move out, but as hard as it was to leave the grounds which by any normal standards would have been all you could ask for (John said its rare the fishing would be that frantic in daylight hours so close in) , we bit the bullet and pulled anchor with fingers crossed it was the right thing to do.
After 30 minutes steam we were deep in the channel and setting out our baits again with anticipation.
After 10 minutes with no action apart from a dogfish or two (happy to say we there were very few tonight) the spurs came on and several were boated along with huss and eels.
The next hour and a half had flurries of fish and i managed to pick up a nice but very angry eel of around 33lb which John was ecstatic(not) about me wanting on deck for a photo

The tide pushed in and the wind picked up making us drag anchor a bit to much to stay, so our sleepy crew headed home for a well earned rest

One things for sure, it wont be the last night trip on the Fin if this was anything to go by.


Appledore Shipbuilders & Triple Hook Club Christmas Results

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Appledore Shipbuilders- Christmas Competition Image supplied by – Stuart Arnett-Clark‎

Thirty-six anglers fished in Appledore Shipbuilders Christmas Competition on the Taw estuary and caught sixty-seven flounder most of which were returned alive to the water. Steven Kitto landed the winning fish scaling 1lb 135/8oz. In runner up spot was Liam Sumenar with a flattie of 1lb 121/2oz and in third James Atkinson with a flounder of 1lb 111/4oz.

In Triple Hook Clubs Ladies and Junior Open seventeen took part with Marilyn Wotton securing first in the ladies section with a fine flounder of 1lb 125/8oz second in the ladies section was Yasmin Beer with a flounder of 1lb 101/4oz. In the junior section it was Lily Gullin who took top spot with a flounder of 1lb 141/2oz. Yasmin Beer took second with her flounder of1lb 101/4oz and Levi Beer third with a flounder of 1lb 2oz.


Bideford Christmas – Competition Result

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There was an impressive entry in this Bideford and District Angling Clubs Christmas Match on the Torridge Estuary with 69 entrants casting their lines in search of flounder. Bideford give many thanks to their generous sponsors :-D+S Electric,Anglers Heaven,Summerlands Tackle,Honeys Butchers,The Bell Parkham,M.Watts and Sons,Ray Toms David Grigg+sons,Bideford Angling club,Kyile Blackmore and Ian Hooper.


Paul Downing+Lisa Downing worked extremely hard  getting all the prizes together and thanks to  Phil Vanstone for gathering the draw prizes and lovely food


1st  Lee Newcombe – Flounder 1lb 31/4oz
2nd Martin Johns – Flounder 1lb 23/4oz
3rd  Howard Lewis – Bass 3lb 13oz


1st Sam ray – Flounder 1lb 1/4oz
2nd Alyssa Williams – Flounder 141/4oz
3rd Tommy Taylor – 13oz

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Bideford Coarse section Christmas competition.

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Every fish counts in match fishing and Bideford Club members struggled to catch any fish at all in their Christmas competition at Tarka Swims.

Bideford Coarse section Christmas competition.

Tarka Swims Winner on the day and golden peg Antony Bentley 2nd John Lovell joint 3rd John Lisle/ Ian Owen. Very tough day but all competitors left with prizes. Antony caught several small roach on pole fished maggot, John Lovell had a similar catch, 2 carp were hooked but lost.The lake is due to receive some restocking this Wednesday so the future of this wonderful club asset is assured.

15443057_595396183977922_8628080795092236948_oAdvert  - Summerlands Tackle

Perch on the lure

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Local perch fanatics John Deprieelle and Martin Cox enjoyed a days perch fishing from the boat at Upper Tamar last week. John sent in this report to South West Lakes Trust:


‘It was a pretty windy day with high gusts and I almost called off but as it was the first warm day after a sharp frost it had to be worth a go. The water temp was really low which can make things difficult (can you hear the excuses building up?) but after an hour or so the first fish of the day was in the net. The choice of lures was a lot smaller than I would normally use and we had to switch to drop shotting on a very slow retrieve to get bites as the fish were hugging the bottom and in really deep water. After searching out most of the lake we got a slow but steady rhythm and ended the day with a bag full of small fish, lots of nips and plucks and 2 really good fish up to 3lb 6oz. A lot of effort from dawn to dusk but well worth the reward for these stunning hard fighting perch’.
