Clawford Christmas Result

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15747391_1843172555940126_6623168851197869756_nClawford Christmas match saw anglers greeted by the hardest frost of the year so far, “bloody freezing”. Still 34  anglers had a days fishing as surprisingly there was only a bit of light ice at the ends of the lake.

Always gong to be a testing match but well done to Martin Turner who managed the top weight from peg 23 on JRs 34lb 6oz. second was Nick Jones with 24.15 from peg 9 on Fletcher’s and third was Thomas Downing with 21lb 4oz from peg 4 on Chris Boulton  picked up the silver fish pool.
Nielsen Jeffery who organized the match would like  everyone who turned up and supported the day, and thanks to all for great company.
Thank you to John, Wanda Ray and Michelle Jeffery for their hospitality and help with the breakfasts.

15747430_1843172569273458_7998942147639630841_n15823126_1843172585940123_83301765664880704_nAdvert - Summerlands Tackle


posted in: Sea Angling, Sidebar | 0

Combe Martin SAC – Chay Boggis landed a fine spurdog on a recent shore fishing session weighing 10lb.

15747466_1477329375615183_2748119511442104691_n Shore fishing is proving sporadic with a few good fish being caught amongst a lot of small fish. Triple Hook Club members fished their Hangover Rover Mixed brace match and failed to find a brace of fish worthy of the scales. Club member Steve Luxton fished over the Christmas period and hooked a conger of 17lb.

The estuary flounder fishing seems to have slowed up though there should still be every chance of big flattie; it could well be worth trying the lower estuary at Crow Point.

Up Channel anglers are finding a few quality cod including this specimen of 12lb 11oz to the rod of CMSAC Club member Stuart Taylor.



Bideford Club – Statement from club Chairman Pete Skinner


Hi Wayne.

Its Pete Skinner , Chairman of the Bideford and District Angling club. As you may know at our AGM on Tuesday 20th Dec. The decision was made to close our headquarters , due to unfavorable trading conditions, Can I just confirm that the Angling side of our great club is entirely unaffected. We will be continuing with our monthly sea comps, festivals and open comps still being run by Lee Watts. Our lakes at Tarks swims will be unaffected, hopefully the new lake may be opened later in 2017. Overseen by Steve Bailey. The coarse match group run by Martin Turner and the game section comps run by Terry Dymond. We are certain that our Angling sections will continue to grow and flourish. Thanks Pete.

The clubhouse was originally a church building that housed a junior school. When the school house closed in 1974 ,and moved the kids to St Marys in Chanters rd. BDAC bought the club house off the church commission in 1977 with the help of a loan from the National Federation of Sea Anglers.  Cyril Petherick and Ronald Beer to traveled to London to arrange this marvelous asset to the club. The building is grade 2 listed, and over the past few years has been falling into a state of disrepair that we just cant keep up with.
My own thoughts :-
I have personally attended the club house on many occasions to attend weigh-ins and North Devon League AGM’s etc and always enjoyed looking around the room at the photo’s of the clubs past presidents including Cyril Petherick and Des Clements who I knew well and regarded as the elder statesmen of the local angling community. I hope the club flourishes in the future and finds a new location to meet at where the clubs social fabric can be retained. The clubhouse was for many years at the heart of the club but has I understand become more of a burden as modern economics and social behavior have changed.
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SIMPSON VALLEY – Carp and Pike

Simpson’s Valley is a fishery nestled in a valley near Holsworthy and has several lakes catering for carp anglers and pike anglers. There are also Fly Fishing Lakes and LRF trout fishing options.

15541113_1135924529858648_5564427922944683403_n(Above) Gary Ireland landed this stunning big ghost common from Upper Fuzzy at a weight of 29lb 8oz. 


A fine double figure pike caught by Andrew Braunton from Upper Fuzzy Lake.

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Eighteen club members fished in Combe Martin SAC’s Christmas Rover and it was a grey mullet caught by Daniel Welch that took top spot.


A few years ago few would have considered fishing for grey mullet at the end of December but times are changing and five members targetted the species. Dan’s mullet of 3lb 7oz was the only one landed though despite several bites.

dscn5001The local rock marks produced a variety of species including whiting, pollock, dogfish, huss and conger. Larger species were hard to find though and it was Rob Scoines who took runner up spot with a rockling of 1lb 6oz. In third was Dan Spearman with a bull huss of 7lb 10oz and in forth Rob Scoines with a bass of 3lb 15oz.15778406_1310685032336877_2067850220_obanner


posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Mild winter weather is ideal for the winter carp anglers with every chance of the carp feeding at some point during the day.


Adam Seaward banked an absolute belter yesterday in the shape of Martin’s Mirror at 28.14 the fish are all well up in weight as this one is normally 26!!!!! Nice one mate on a cracking fish


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Its been just over six months since I launched North Devon Angling News aiming to be the one stop for angling news in North Devon.

A special thanks to all who have supported the project by sending me news, taking out an advert or just taking a look. In the coming year I will continue to build the site and welcome any pictures, articles that will be of interest to anglers in North Devon. Since June the site has been viewed well over 20,000 times. Below are a few highlights from the year.

Reel Deal -450lb porbeagle shark


Julian and Carla at the Rising Sun Umberleigh a real anglers pub.
Emma Tyjas
Emma Tyjas
Wedded bliss at Anglers Paradise
Andrew Atkinson with a smoothound of 15lb 1oz
Andrew Atkinson with a smoothound of 15lb 1oz
Mick Whitfield with his 45lb 2oz mirror carp
Mick Whitfield with his 45lb 2oz mirror carp A Kracking carp!
Thresher Shark
Thresher Shark – Reel Deal
Rob Scoines with his first brace of trout
Rob Scoines with his first brace of trout from Bratton Water


Dave James and Craig Lacey receive £2000.JPG
Dave James and Craig Lacey receive £2000 South West Lakes Trust
Liam Stevens – 15lb 8oz
North Devon Show
Wistlandpound Brown Trout

14322590_1494095073940038_7282370271101400434_nBlakewell Double

Shore Caught tope
Specimen Perch Upper Tamar – Chris Lambert 3lb 4oz

14695536_10154470454560560_1727186096722278141_nAutumn mullet – Dan Welch15231638_1054230368056045_497843651_o John Shapland – Flounder brace


Blakewell Double – James Thomas


Anglers Paradise

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posted in: Sea Angling, Sidebar | 0

Shore fishing prospects are excellent for the next few weeks with some good specimens recorded over recent days. Combe Martin SAC member Rob Scoines enjoyed a few sessions off North Devon rock marks and landed a bull huss of 7lb 2oz a fine whiting of 1lb 12oz and a pouting of 1lb 7oz.

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A-Luring weekend

2017 Lure Weekend
Friday 24th February to Sunday 26th 2017 is the Dates you need to remember as it’s our Annual LURE Weekend!
Location – Anglers Paradise, Halwill Junction, Devon EX21 5XT.
Prices Start From £110 Per Person which includes – Accomodation for 3 nights, Fishing + Entry into All Competitions!
It’s a Weekend you will not want to miss, they’ll be great Team Captains who you will gain knowledge to better your future fishing, exclusive Lakes to Fish and Great Prizes to be Won, if you’re a beginner, intermediate or experienced – it doesn’t matter – ALL ARE WELCOME!
They’ll be plenty of help and advice throughout the weekend, so it doesn’t matter if you are new to Lure Fishing.
Amongst others we have Drennan, Fox Rage and Quantum Specialist as Sponsors
We have Limited Spaces Left for this Fantastic Event, so if you are interested, please don’t delay!

Anglers Paradise
Anglers Paradise

Rod bending action off Ilfracombe

Anglers fishing aboard John Barbeary’s Bluefin have been catching some quality fish off Ilfracombe in recent weeks with bull huss, spurdog and big conger putting bends in anglers rods. Over the next few months spurdog numbers are likely to increase with every chance that someone will break through the twenty pound barrier. Thirty pound plus conger are frequently landed with a fifty plus on the cards if anglers have strong enough tackle. Whilst cod are elusive it would be no surprise if one or two big fish are tempted.

(Above) Double figure huss for John Barbeary and Toby Basset


Dave Clements with a big huss of 15lb

(Above)Troy Laing with a specimen spurdog
(Above)Pete Gregory with a double figure spurdog
John Barbeary shows off a spurdog and huss as the action is thick and fast.
(Above) Dan Spearman 30lb conger
( Above) John Barbeary 15lb bull huss
(Above)Nathan Pardoe -34lb conger
(Above) Richard with fine huss of 14lb
