I have just come back from Angler Paradise’s 2017 Lure Fishing Weekend and will post a full report on a very enjoyable event later this week when I have downloaded all the pictures and gathered my thoughts. In the mean time here are a few taster images.
Special thanks to the Gregorek Family all at Anglers Paradise and the events sponsors Fox Rage, Drennan, Quantum Specialist and Fladen.
(Above) The Winning Team(Above)Probably Devon’s first lure caught catfish Estimated at over 60lb to the rod of Andy Payne!(Above)James Thomas and Team 2 Captain Ben Humber of Fox Rage with the weekends biggest pike of 85cmAnglers Paradise
Beatties has been fishing exceptionally well over the past week as South Westerly Winds blow in. ! Paul Combes put 5 ton of chalk into the lake to break down the silt and adjust the pH levels and since then the lake has been on top form.
Lodge lake is presently closed as improvement work is underway in preparation for the season ahead.
Below are a few carp caught in recent days.
( Below) Callum Darcey who had a new personal Best of 22lb from the summer house swim using Bait Works scent from hell boilies.
(Below)Jack Lord who had out 6 fish in 24 hours from the dam wall on Beattie’s up to 27lb 6oz using Mainline Cell boilies.
( Below)Charlie Elliot and Keith Green had 14 fish out between them up to 23lb 8oz . They were fishing on the beach swim on Beattie’s lake .Charlie was fishing using Sticky Baits krill pop ups and Keith was using fish it Baits coconut cream (carp mafia clothing ) both had a fab session
Beattie’s personal best(Short lived) for Steve Pinn of 23Ib on Dynamite tutti frutti (testing for Jo) balanced with plastic corn. This was the biggest of a 7 fish catch with good mate Keith Maker who had 4 fish including the 22 pounder on a manila wafter bait.
(Below) keith Maker
(Below)Steve and Keith Maker revisited the Moor after their above haul – Steve Pinn Personal Best changed again 24Ib. Steve and Keith Maker had 12 fish to 27Ib 12oz.
Zenia Drury-Gregorek sent me this story and superb picture from proud parents who took young Zaine on a fishing adventure to running water in Shropshire.
During a holiday away ourselves to Shropshire, we took our eldest 6 year old son Fishing on his 6th Birthday to the River Severn in the hope of a Pike, he had the shock of his life when he struck into a hard fighting Chub and landed a New Personal Best at 5lbs! Zaine caught the Chub on a 5oz Deadbait Rudd too! He said “it was the best birthday present ever”, he’s even beaten his Mummy and Daddy’s Personal Bests!! He is officially hooked and already becoming a fine little angler!
Damien Chambers, 30 from Southport came with Partner Gemma to our Annual Valentines Weekend and after enjoying the 3 Course Meal, the Viagra Wine and the Fun and Games, Damien went onto the Main Carp Lake the morning after in the hope of a Fish or Two, and that he did!!
Damien caught a 19lb and 21lb Mirror both on Paradise Baits – The Twist! He didn’t get to picture the 19lb Mirror but he did of this stunning Scaley 21lb Mirror.
Thomas Winspear, 26 who is part of the estate team, decided to have a go Fly Fishing on the Trout Lake after work for some Trout action, but he had a shock when his rod bent nearly in half and he landed this Beauty! A Grass Carp about 8-9lbs, caught on a Bloodworm Buzzer. Tom said it gave him a great fight too!
During a holiday away ourselves to Shropshire, we took our eldest 6 year old son Fishing on his 6th Birthday to the River Severn in the hope of a Pike, he had the shock of his life when he struck into a hard fighting Chub and landed a New Personal Best at 5lbs! Zaine caught the Chub on a 5oz Deadbait Rudd too! He said “it was the best birthday present ever”, he’s even beaten his Mummy and Daddy’s Personal Bests!! He is officially hooked and already becoming a fine little angler!
Grey mullet were once thought of as a fish of the warmer months though recent seasons have seen mullet caught from some venues all year round. Most of these mullet are thick lipped grey mullet that frequent some harbours for twelve months of the year. Several local anglers myself included have landed the species in every month of the year a feat that would have seemed improbable twenty years ago. The above fish was tempted by George Stavrakopoulos using a paternoster rig and small hooks. In addition to the mullet George tempted several other species including small pollock and gobies. I believe the above mullet is thin lipped mullet that can often be tempted during the summer months using baited spinners. Their arrival along the North Devon Coast in late winter is probably linked to spawning which could explain their reluctance to feed extensively?
I have just completed reading a book on mullet fishing entitled ‘Fishing for Ghosts’ – Successful Mullet Angling ‘ By Mike Ladle and David Ridgen. The book gives a fascinating insight into mullet fishing’ one fact is obvious in that for thick lipped mullet bread is the number one bait. I cannot help but feel that there is still much to learn about catching the wily grey mullet which is why they are a worthy target for any serious angler.
Thick Lipped Grey Mullet caught from a North Devon harbour during mid February
Well what a mixed day of fishing for it turned out to be for the Danglers, with frantic fishing for some and hard going for others. Plans were to hit the spurdogs aboard John Barbeary’s boat Blue Fin from Ilfracombe. As we steamed out into a mild swell and drizzle expectations were high, and with 3 of the 9 angler’s having never been after the spurs before, the old hands among us was were wondering if we hit the packs that John has found many times before would they keep up? Having reached the mark and with the anchor holding we all quickly got our baits, mostly squid and various fish baits to the bottom and it wasn’t to long before Paul Lorrimore hit into the first fish, a respectfull conger of around 20lb. A short while later Pete Gregory leaned into a tidy bite and landed what was to be the first of many double figure spurs, rods began to bend all over the boat. The fishing throughout the day was a tale of 2 trips, with the guys fishing along the sides finding the going hard work, although they all managed at least 3 – 5 spurs each with a few doggies and congers mixed in with those on the back having a frantic session with multi hook ups on many occaisons. Young Toby Bassett certainly being the guy on form, with quite often his bait finding fish as soon as he hit bottom. Though he did tangle my gear while I was playing a decent fish and jokingly said he was just fraying my braid, before my braid did break……obviously Toby got a bit of stick for the remainder of the trip but it was all just good banter as always with the lads. The 3 novices all got their PB’s with specimen spurs, with the largest spur of the day reaching 16lb and in total I would estimate at least 50 – 60 doubles were brought over the gunnels where they were swiftly unhooked and returned.
Twenty Three anglers fished Appledore Shipbuilders Roving Competition last weekend and struggled to find fish big enough to bring back to the scales – Hanna Curtis won the competition with a ballan wrasse scaling 3lb 51/2oz.
This weekends 24 hour Rover attracted less angers who caught more fish!
Winner was Kevin pike with a conger of 22lb 10oz and second Jack Pike with a conger of 16lb 15oz. Graham Snow was third with a thick lipped grey mullet scaling 3lb 1/2oz. The conger caught by Jack Pike sets a new Junior record for Appledore Shipbuilders.
Jon Patten was fishing for spurdog from a North Devon shore mark and was surprised when a smoothound grabbed his fish bait presented on a 6/0 hook. Smoothound traditionally arrive in early May. Recent seasons have seem them caught right up until Christmas. So the question I pose is early or late?