Flounder fishing beneath a setting sun

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The tranquil Taw estuary bathed in the light of a setting sun. An awesome back drop to a spot of fishing for the humble and obliging flounder. Many thanks to Kyle Blackmore for allowing me to use his pictures. On light tackle flounder can give great sport and are ideal species for junior anglers to target over the coming half term. There is also every chance of a bass with a few good sized fish present.

Upper Tamar Carp catches

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Roger Maher has been getting stuck into some of the new stock in Upper Tamar Lake Roger has landed three of the new fish which were stocked a month ago and they are doing well and looking great. A 19.06 pale looking fish which was stocked at 19.04 and a chunky mirror of 24.04 which was stocked at 22.12. Roger’s third new fish was one of the commons at 23.14 which was stocked at 23.04. Roger topped it all off with an original common golden coloured common of 19.06. Great work Roger!

Stafford Moor October Festival Result

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Worthy winner of Stafford Moor’s October festival 2017 with a perfect score of 4 points. Total weight of 415lb 6oz Congratulations to Steve Ford (Mosella uk / Old Ghostb) what a fabulous week at Stafford Moor!
In second place with only 5 points and a total weight of 345lb 11oz was  ‘Grisly ginger Adams’Pete Upperton. Jo at Stafford Moor comments “well done Pete & thank you so much for being such a sport!”
In 3rd place with 6 points & a total weight of 278lb 14oz was London angler Mick Keeper.
The Stafford Moor Team thank  everyone who fished the October festival.


Anthony ends season in style!

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Save the best until last!!! A beautiful female salmon estimated at 19lb plus, tail walked the pool four times before being safely netted by Anthony Willmington . This stunning fish was safely returned to continue its journey after a very quick photo!! This is the biggest fish caught this season at Little Warham Fishery. I hope to carry a full review of the Little Warham Fisheries season within the next few weeks.

The Half Moon Inn at Sheepwash was  packed with members of the Torridge Fishery Association enjoying their end of season Egg Box Dinner on October 7th. This annual event brings members together at the seasons end in conjunction with a raffle to raise funds for investing in the River Torridge Fishery. There was encouraging news from the river in that fry surveys have indicated that areas stocked exclusively with swim up fry from the hatchery were showing encouraging numbers of surviving fry. It was also noted that 2017 has seen encouraging numbers of salmon and sea trout landed by anglers.



Sea Anglers enjoy sport with lingering summer species.

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Sea anglers are enjoying sport with lingering summer species with several good smoothound brought to the shore. Rob Scoines enjoyed two successful  session from a local rock mark with three hounds topped by a fine specimen of 12lb 6oz.

I would expect sport to continue especially if this mild weather continues. Big bass are high on many anglers wish list and I am sure someone will hook into  big double in the next two months. Whilst the open coast is probably the best chance don’t ignore the estuary as big bass are undoubtedly hunting the estuary and could fall to anglers willing to experiment with lure tactics after dark.

Ollie Passmore enjoyed some late estuary sport with thin lipped mullet landing several to 4lb 1oz in recent sessions.


The salmon season over it was time to head off for a days Still-water Trout Fishing and hopefully put a bend in the rod. I was joining Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club to compete in their Rogers And Guard Shield Competition at Exe Valley Fishery. I can well remember Gordon Rogers who was one of the club members the shield was named after. Gordon was a Fishery Bailiff with the River Authorities of the 1970’s and a real character who many local anglers will have fond memories of.

The competition was due to start at 10:00am and I intended to get there in plenty of time so I set off just before 8.00am for an enjoyable drive across Exmoor.

A good days fishing is more than just a day casting a line it is often all about the entire day. As I negotiated the narrow lanes up onto the moor mist lay in the valleys as the sun climbed higher into a bright blue sky.

I noted several keen photographers out and about catching the morning light. On the high moor I glimpsed red deer blending into the bracken; the autumn stag were undoubtedly bellowing their challenge across the open moor. It was an awesome morning to be going fishing.

I arrived at Exe Valley to find that one or two members were already raring to start. I grabbed a coffee and began chatting with fishery manager Nick Hart and his wife Sue. Nick is embarking upon a new adventure joining www.farlows.co.uk in Pall Mall’ London. I have fished with Nick many times over the years and share his enthusiasm for fishing. After over an hour of chatting I decided I had better head out and do a bit of fishing. I had after all paid £35.00 for a three fish ticket + the option to release three trout, as part of the fishery’s innovative ticket choice system.

The sun was shining down on a mirror calm lake that was surrounded by a dozen or so anglers. I tied on a small gold head pheasant tail nymph and a black buzzer on the dropper. Trout were active all over the lake and a couple of members had already caught their three fish bags so I was on a catch up mission.

After a few casts I had had no takes. With fish showing all over the surface it was obvious that the trout were near the surface. I concluded that a lighter fly would be more likely to succeed and tied on a lightly dressed cruncher pattern.

First cast with this fly and the line twitched on the retrieve, the hook was set and the water erupted as a rainbow trout leapt from the water before putting a serious bend in the rod and stripping several yards of line from the reel.

Nick took a stroll around the lake and captured action with the next trout I hooked’ a handsome rainbow of close to 3lb 8oz. It wasn’t long before I had completed my three fish bag that was my competition entry for the day.

I took the opportunity to have a walk  around the lake and preserve a few memories of the day with my camera. I was surprised that not everyone had bagged up whilst the trout were in an obliging mood.

The introduction of catch and release during the cooler months at Exe Valley has on the whole been welcomed by anglers who can choose various options combining catch and release and catch and despatch. The fishery has imposed strict rules to ensure that catch and release works as well as possible. Anglers must use barb-less hooks and rubber meshed nets. Trout should not be taken out of the water unless a quick picture is required as a memento of a special fish.

I decided to pay a quick visit to the site shop and buy a couple of barb-less flies and borrow a landing net with a rubber mesh. I returned to the lake with a fly known as an owl on the point. The number of trout rising had now decreased but a few were still showing and it was these fish I targeted. Watching carefully I attempted to drop the fly in front of cruising trout twitching it soon after letting it settle. Twenty minutes later I had returned two more hard fighting trout.

It was now time to head back and weigh in my fish with fellow club members. My three pulled the scales to 9lb and secured me the honour of winning the Rogers and Guard Shield.

It was now time for a coffee and a further chat with Nick about fishing past, present and future. One topic we discussed was the seasons of trout fishing. These small Stillwater trout fisheries are undoubtedly more productive during the cooler months. We both concurred that that there is value in revising the traditional trout fishing seasons. The trout season traditionally casts off in the spring and this is I suspect a follow on from the days before Stillwater trout fishing grew in popularity and wild fish were the target. A closed season during the winter months gave the fish protection during spawning time. This made perfect sense in rivers and where wild fish spawned. Modern day trout fishing on still waters is generally for triploid trout that are sterile.

During the cooler months the trout are more active and fight far harder. It perhaps makes sense to close many trout fisheries during July and August when weed growth is more prolific and water temperatures high. The English climate is not too severe and with modern clothing comfort is ensured.

We also discussed trout fishing tactics the importance of observing the fish to decide fly patterns and the idiosyncrasies of anglers. We could I am sure have talked for many hours. That’s part of angling’s joy for it is the trout and nature that make the rules that we anglers take great joy in analyzing. Before heading home I had a few more casts on the lake relishing the opportunity for one more catch and release rainbow before I left for home. It turned out to be handsome trout of close to 4lb.

It will be business as usual at Exe Valley for the foreseeable future with Sue taking care of the day to running of the lake while Nick embarks upon a new venture working with one of the countries mots reputable fishing tackle companies.






Stafford Moor – Latest

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Carp sport is showing no sign of slowing down at Stafford Moor as the carp feed hard before the onset of winter.


(Above) Twin brothers Stefan & Josh Knight fished with their friend Mark Gibson who had 24 fish  between them up to 26lb using Sticky Baits Manilla Boilies and Sticky Baits pellets.

(Above)Ricky Gale and Adam Potter  had a few fish out up to 24lb using Sticky Baits Krill up on Lodge lakes swim 6

(Above)Adam Atkins  had 3 fish up to 21lb 2 oz from the inlet swim on Beattie’s lake using Sticky Baits 20mm Manilla Boilies.

(Above)Jon Osman who had 5 fish out from swim 6 on lodge lake using Sticky Baits Krill pink pop ups.

(Above)Darren Rundle who had 3 fish out in a day session using Sticky Baits Krill boilies on lodge lake.

(Above) Alex Charlton who fished for 4 hours only. He had this 21lb 12oz out from the inlet swim on Beattie’s lake using bait works bait.

BIDEFORD _Monthly Coarse Section Comp. Tarka Swims

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Monthly Coarse Section Comp. Tarka Swims

1st Steve Bailey 17lb 3oz

2nd Colin Gorman 6lb 6oz

3rd Martin Turner 3lb 6oz .

Coarse section Secretary Steve Bailey fished his first match after surgery on both wrists, he pulled the golden peg P out of the bag and went on to win with 2 nice carp on a float ledger, Colin landed a good carp which almost pulled his rod into the depths of peg R, Martin landed one carp and lost one on the corner peg L on pole fished luncheon meat. Pete Slade scooped 4th and the silver pool with a net of small roach.

Below -Every fish counts!!!