Winter Cod season underway Up Channel

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Its all systems go for Reel Deal Obession 2  on route to Watchet  with the first trip planned for Friday spaces available with 7.00am Sailing.  There is also availability on Sunday aboard the Jay Jay 8.30 sail 8 hour trips bait and rods can be provided sailing from Watchet marina and the cod comp will be started call 07850984933 or message Dan Hawkins on Facebook.

There are already a few decent cod showing for anglers fishing from boats above Minehead.

As the Reservoir trout season ends its time to turn to the smaller stillwater’s

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Lottie Ava Kinnear aged 8 caught her first brown trout on a cats whiskers lure from Bratton Water. Her parents say that she really enjoyed herself and can’t wait to go again.

Bratton Water will start to fish well now as the cooler waters of late autumn and winter arrive. Last winter saw some stunning brown trout caught from the fishery with several over 5lb. (Below) Danny Ford with one of last winters stunning brown trout caught at Bratton Water.

Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club fished the last day of the season at Wessex Water’s Clatworthy Reservoir where the rainbow trout that the fishery is renowned for played hard to get. Only three of the ten members taking part in the event fishing for the Secretary’s Shield managed to land trout. This was despite the lake being well stocked with good numbers of trout that were times visible in the clear water.

David Rudman was the winner with a rainbow trout scaling 1lb 151/2oz. Dave Mock and Danny Ford tied in runner up spot both landing rainbows of 1lb 15oz. (Below) The three successful anglers.

Despite the lack of fish members enjoyed a day in beautiful countryside with trees surrounding the reservoir in splendid autumn colours.

As members gathered at the Fishing Lodge reflecting upon the past season they were treated to a delicious offering of Lemon Drizzle Cake from the local Clatworthy Fly Fishing Club. We all hope be to back at Clatworthy in the spring when it generally offers superb sport with some of the West Country’s hardest fighting rainbow trout.

With the reservoir trout fishing season at an end it is time to turn to the small still waters where sport is at its best through the colder months.

Some of this weeks Sea Angling Highlights

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Autumn is a prime time for the sea angler with a wide variety of species to target. The past week has seen local anglers enjoy success along North Devon’s rocky coast. Dan Spearman (Below) was among these anglers landing a bull huss of 9lb 3oz and a conger of 18lb.

Fellow Combe Martin SAC member James Thomas landed good pollock of 2lb 13oz along with numerous conger whilst fishing a rock mark near Ilfracombe. (Below)

Kody Chugg landed a small eyed ray (Below)

I targetted grey mullet that are one of my  favourite sea fish and tempted a specimen of 4lb 13oz using quiver-tipped bread flake.

Autumn Carp Sport at Stafford Moor


Rob Kendall and his daughter Brooke enjoyed  2 days on the beach swim on Beattie’s lake. Rob had a top weight of 21lb 4oz and Brooke had a new personal best of 20lb all caught on Robs home made bait.

(Below)Keith Green and Matt Bennett who had 17 fish out in a 48 hour session on the inlet swim on Beattie’s lake using a combination of Sticky Baits pineapple & Butyric pop ups , Uber crab & nut boilies & cc Moore equinox boilies.

(Below) Nikki Danielle Parker and partner Karl Hutchison who had 10 fish out between them up to 24lb (which was Nikkis new PB ) on the double swim on Lodge lake dam wall using home made boilies .

Crow Point – Beach Clean

Pauline and I joined volunteers at Crow Point on a beach clean organized by the West Country Rivers Trust. Organizer Kathi Bauer told me that they counted 14 full bin bags of rubbish at the end of the event,lots of the usual waste but also some sharps. Whilst around  20 people signed in they counted a lot more – Jodie and Cat of the WCRT estimated between 45 to 60 people overall, including children.

It was great to join in clearing the debris from the estuary and to my relief there wasn’t too much angling related litter. The event commenced with an informative walk and talk with  Dave Edgcombe, who gave a very informative talk about the Taw and Torridge Estuary explaining how mankind industry has shaped the landscape. I have been visiting the White house area for close to fifty years and was astonished how much the landscape has evolved  as a result of natures relentless forces. The Whitehouse was originally built in conjunction with the ferry that once linked Instow, Appledore and Braunton. The location being the original mouth of the River Caen a river that once had a significant run of salmon and sea trout!

The breaking through of the sluice gates has certainly transformed the area known as Horsey Island behind the Whitehouse! ( Below)

(Above) Volunteers at the beach clean.

(Above) A wide range of debris

(Above) Bags of litter

Litter is something that really annoys me and it was great to get out in the fresh air and do our bit. I have raised the issue of angling related litter before and will do so again but its not just anglers who leave litter its a problem that blights the whole of society. I challenge any one to find any where that’s not blighted by litter. Even on a beautiful beach on the West Coast of Scotland there were bits of plastic debris on the shoreline.

Next time you go fishing make sure you take your litter home and any that others have left. If we all pick up a bit it will make a difference.