Stafford Moor is on top form for carp fishing and match fishing with plenty of twenties from the specimen lakes and numerous 100lb plus bags in matchs.
(Below) James Richard Russel had a new personal best mirror carp of 29lb 4oz from swim 4 (the gap) up on lodge lake using special Occasions bait.
(Below) Thanks from Jo — Hi All would just like to say a HUGE thank you again to Neilsen Jeffery who held his charity match here in June in which the money’s we all raised were shared with RNLI and we now have a difribulator here at Stafford Moor ! So happy days well not if we have to use it of course! but fab just to have on site in case we ever do just to give so many peace of mind the difribulator is located at our house on site and the emergency contact number will be shown around the site, also a huge thank you to Trevor Vernalls who trained us all free of charge plus gave us some more important guidance on CPR
(Below) James Short who had these 2 out including this stunning mirror at 26lb from the summer hut swim on Beatties lake, James was fishing with Nash Key Cray boilies and matching hook Baits & pellets.
(Below) Gareth Simpson who was fishing here with friend Kev, they had 20 fish out between them on the summerhouse swim on Beatties lake using DNA Baits S7.