1st Keith Mountjoy 55lb 3oz
2nd Nathan Underwood 46lb 11oz,
3rd Tom Downing 41lb
4th Kevin shears 34lb 2oz ,
5th Andrew Gratton 30lb 9oz,
6th Chris Morris 29lb 2oz
7th Peter Horton-West 26lb 10oz
8th Ian Croxton 24lb 3oz
Todays match was the final round of the Championship and clubs calendar year held at Wooda Lakes near Holsworthy and with the draw being done on the Friday before the match, the banter was in full flow whilst tucking into the bacon baps that Stuart Sharp always has ready for us! The weather leading up to the match certainly hadn’t helped the fishing with lots of rain over the last 48 hours but still plenty of fish caught to make for a good match all round. Keith took top spot on the day with a winning weight of 55-03 from lake 4 peg 22. Keith caught at 16 meters on the pole to the island feeding 6mm pellets and fishing maggots or corn on the hook with the odd fish on the bomb when the wind got up. Nathans weight of 46-11 also from lake 4 on peg 16, was good enough to take second overall. Nath’ has caught mainly down the edge on corn with a few down the middle on paste. Toms weight of 41lb was good enough to take 3rd overall and the top weight from lake 3 on peg 12 and caught mainly down the left hand edge on corn over micros. Top weight on lake one was from Andy Gratton on peg 6 with 30-09 respectively! A tricky day for a few but plenty of bites all round and I think we got away with the weather all things considered.
The final standings of the Championship are as follows;
1st Tom Downing 240points
2nd Martin Turner 140 points
3rd Nathan Underwood 120 points
And there we have it, a bit of disruptive year with a few matches cancelled due to Covid but lets hope the next one is a little more back to ‘normal’ . Have a good Christmas, stay safe and see you in January!