Full Report from Bulldog Fishery

Heavy frost
bright sunshine
and an Easterly wind
Everything you DON’T want for a days fly fishing… However, the anglers that fished the postponed February fly comp today took on the challenge!

First to hook up on one of Bulldogs finest hard fighting rainbows was none other than Mr Denis Ives, a mer 12 seconds after the starting horn! This puts Denis in second place on the wall of Fame for fastest hook up in a comp!
Many fish were hooked and landed throughout the morning with some truly heartfelt moments with some of the bigger stock lost at the net! It was certainly the case for Ian! Losing what can only be described as a colossal Tiger trout at the net.There were a few choice words shouted in anger that won’t be repeated here! But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining and with the next rotation on the lake, Ian landed 2 fish in quick succession. One of which being a 6lb12oz rainbow! 

Then a big cheer came from the opposite side of the lake, Graham Turner had landed a Tiger weighing in at 5lb9oz!
Although tough conditions the anglers persevered throughout the morning and rods kept bending. After the lunch break where Nigel and Tom could be heard bickering about who makes the best roast potatoes (we all know it’s Tom
) it was time to get the lines back out.

Numerous fish could be seen chasing the fly but not committing! But thankfully the fishing Gods were smiling on us and more fish were soon bagged. Lee Newton was the first to fill his 6 fish limit, shortly followed by Rod!
Eventually the final horn blew and it was time for the all important weigh in! Results as follows:

1st – Rod Daniel 6fish- 27lb2oz
2nd – Denis Ives 6fish-22lb2oz
3rd – Lee Newton 6 fish – 19lb
Biggest fish of the day:
Rod Daniel -7lb brown trout
As always Tom was on hand with his filleting knife to raise what we can for the vets charity by means of a gut/filleting service! Thank you to everyone that kindly made a donation! 

A great day with a great bunch of anglers 

Ps if anyone finds Will Cory wondering around looking lost it’s because he can’t find what peg he’s supposed to be fishing, please return him to one of the Lee’s ASAP

Roll on the March comp!