The Exmoor landscape glistened with frost as the sun climbed in the clear sky.  I negotiated the icy roads on my way to Wimbleball on the last day of metrological winter.

A veil of white mist hid the reservoir from view as I approached with not a breath of wind.

            Several anglers were already at the water’s edge and had enjoyed early success. I was meeting with my good friend Jeff Pearce who had assisted with the launching of several boats offering advice based on the previous days opening.

I had already set up my Snowbee Diamond 2 Fly Rod #7 4-Piece – 10′, in combination with a 7wt, Intermediate line with black lure on the point and small diawl bach on a dropper. This was my go to set up early season and I was to use this throughout the day. I had a few casts in the boat bay whilst Jeff continued to assist arriving anglers with the boats.

The mist was lifting quickly as late winter sunshine quickly warmed the air. The lake was mirror calm only the departing boats rippling the waters. I captured a few images of the scene and poured a coffee. It was good to be back at this jewel in the crown of West Country Fly Fishing.


This was day two of a new season and anglers the previous day had enjoyed most success fishing from the bank. The most successful flies were undoubtedly black and green perpetuated by the fact that most anglers choose this pattern early season.

Jeff and I had a cunning plan to utilise our boat to move around beaching the boat at promising areas and fish from the bank. Our first point of call was Bessom’s an area that gives access to reasonably deep water. I was full of optimism and belief but the first hour passed without any connection to the lakes residents.

Jeff was first to connect tempting a typical hard fighting rainbow on a black booby fished deep and slow. Despite lack of success I persisted casting out and working my lure back slowly inch at a time with the occasional speedy twitch and pause.

Persistence and belief generally pay off and suddenly the line zipped tight and I enjoyed the delectable throbbing of life transmitted through the line the rod absorbing the feisty rainbows attempts to shed the hook.

We spent another hour or so catching another six rainbows the best around 3lb 8oz. Whilst we could have stayed and caught steadily we decided upon a change of scenery moving to Cowmoor and an area of bank that has been cleared to allow easier access and plenty of room for the back cast.



It didn’t take long before the rods were bending and reels singing as rainbows hit our lures treating us to acrobatic antics as the fish leapt cartwheeling on our lines end. Jeff had by now changed over to a similar set up to me and tempted fish on a regular basis. We ended the day on fourteen trout averaging 2lb 8oz the best probably 3lb 8oz. Jeff lost what felt like a big fish of which many have been stocked the best topping 10lb.

The day will be remembered for the warmth of the sun the beautiful scenery, good company and of course those hard fighting full tailed Wimbleball rainbows. In many ways it was another perfect day that ended all too soon.


Opening Day Report from Wimbleball Fishery.

Seven boats and twenty-nine bank anglers attended opening day on Thursday. Some great catches were had, pictured was Simon Peters, from the bank at Cow Moor the fish were cruising the bank, you’d get 1 or 2 quick succession then it would go quiet for a while, ended up with 15 fish between two anglers, including pictured one around 5lb.

Peter Duckett had 3 right off from by the flagpole.

Anthony Cartwright had a great day on Friday fishing the bank from Ruggs, catching 16 fish on a mixture of floating lines with lures to shooting heads and boobies. Picture of decent fish in margin by rod, not far off 10lb.

Kieron Jenkins  with the best of a 21 fish total from the boat saturday, with most fish coming from Bessoms with some lovely overwintered fish from around the Pontoon.

Best method was fishing di7 and two boobies (pink and black) slowly at depth. Plenty of  positive vibes from anglers, bank seemed to outfish the boats weather was so different from previous seasons and the cold temperatures with bright sunshine put the fish down a bit but some still caught on floating lines and diawl bachs!  Get those online returns in, as at the end of the month Wimbleball admin will pick a random catch return for a free take 2 fish then catch and release ticket.