Exmoor Streams Environmental Issues and how to help

Exmoor Trees for Salmon – help needed please

An invitation to join the Westcountry Rivers Trust, on Sunday 9th February, for a volunteer tree planting day along the river Barle, at Landacre Bridge. This area is an important region for spawning salmon and juvenile habitat within the Exe, however a lack of tree cover leaves the fish vulnerable. To help improve this habitat, WRT are planting pockets of trees alongside the river and need your help to put these trees in the ground!

WRT have 1500 trees to be put in the ground, so the more help the better.

If you are interested please follow this link for more information and to book a placeĀ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/exmoor-trees-for-salmon-tickets-1217821249139?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Ticks and fleas are significant issues infesting cats and dogs. What is often overlooked is the devastating impact the commonly used treatments have on the environment. Many streams and rivers on Exmoor are impacted upon with areas where dogs splash and play in the rivers are deviod of invertebrate fly life. This impacts on fish populations including trout and salmon parr.
Please see the very interesting article below. A letter to you MP would help get these chemicals banned for use on cats and dogs.