Many thanks to Troy for allowing me to use his words and pictures.
Troy Laing and his Ilfracombe fishing buddies enjoyed a great day fishing on the Bluefin Charters . “Skippered by the legendary John Barbeary . He done well from start to finish as always. Putting us bang on the pollack over at lundy island..All of us fishing getting 1 each every drift on the silver dreams. Even pulling out 2 and 3 at a time.Then as we ran out of tide for the drifts. Steamed over to the tope grounds. With Paul Lorrimore pulling us out fresh joey mackrel on the sabiki lures..With the encouragement from the skipper john barbeary to put a live Joel on the hook. Advice was spot on. As i managed to pull out a 36lb tope. Only my second ever tope and a new personal best..snapped some quick photos. Then swiftly retured until the next time. Then Bill Cassar managed the next one of 20lb.
Also 2 beautiful cuckoo wrasse of amazing color. Pretty fish with rainbow colors..what a day. What more can i say. And thanks guys for the banter…until next time. Thanks guys..tight”