April rover results
Stephen Found secured top spot in Bideford Angling Clubs April Rover with a new club record small eyed ray scaling 13lb 61/4oz.
1st Stephen Found Small-eyed Ray 13lb 6 1/4oz 148.958%
2nd Andrew Clements Small-eyed Ray 11lb 3 1/2oz 124.652%
3rd Stephen Found Small-eyed Ray 10lb 14 1/4oz 121.006%
4th Andrew Clements Small-eyed Ray 10lb 8 1/4oz 116.839%
5th Antony Smith Thornback Ray 7lb 7 3/4oz 83.159%
Appledore Shipbuilders APRIL Rover
Numbers were down for Appledore Shipbuilders April Rover. David Atkinson caught the only fish big enough to weigh. His fish a Dogfish of 2lb 3ozs secured the points.
Other fish reported were small Bass, Huss and Poutings