Do you live in North Devon? Are you interested in the health of your local rivers?

Do you live in North Devon? Are you interested in the health of your local rivers?

We are looking for new volunteers to join Westcountry CSI and become citizen scientists!

What is Westcountry CSI?

Westcountry CSI (Citizen Science Investigations) is a scheme established by Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT) that involves monitoring the health of our streams and rivers, through spot sampling.  We are organising a training event (delivered by WRT) to sign volunteers up.

The surveys are fairly quick and can take up to 15-20 minutes to complete. Once you sign up to the scheme online, you will receive free kit including phosphate test strips, a turbidity tube and a dissolved oxygen probe. As part of the project, volunteers are asked to take monthly samples at their chosen monitoring site and upload the results onto cartographer – a database managed by WRT.

The event details are included below:

Westcountry CSI Training Event

at Hatherleigh Community Centre

on Thursday 20th March

from 10.30-12.30pm

If you would like to book a place at the event, please email [email protected] confirming the area you live and where you’d be interested to survey, if you have a preference.

For more details about the scheme there are plenty of resources available on the WRT website here: Westcountry CSI – Westcountry Rivers Trust ( or you can view the CSI Leaflet here: CSI Leaflet.

The training event is funded through Devon Wildlife Trust’s Northern Devon Natural Solutions project and therefore, we are only looking for volunteers who can sample streams and rivers in the northern parts of Devon, although this can include anywhere in the Taw and Torridge catchments. For more information about the wider project, you can view the website here: Northern Devon Natural Solutions | Devon Wildlife Trust