I joined members of Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club at Bulldog Trout Fishery last Sunday where we were greeted by a bright cloudless blue sky and milder conditions. The trout proved to be generally cooperative with all members catching fish with a mixture of rainbow and brown trout averaging over 3lb. Most fish were tempted using lures fished on long leaders with an erratic retrieve.

The winning bag was taken by Nigel Bird who had three trout for 10lb. Runner up was Andre Muxworthy with three for 9lb 9oz and myself third with three for 9lb 8oz.
It is intriguing how days unfold during these club competitions on small stillwater’s. Members will all have their favourite flies and lures that give them confidence and it is generally these that are tried first. Typically those first ten to fifteen minutes of fishing produce numerous trout as was the case during Sundays competition. I was fortunate to bank three hard fighting trout within the first twenty minutes and spent the rest of the morning wandering around the fishery with my camera capturing action shots of fellow club members.
I noted that fishing slowed after the initial flurry and for a while trout proved hard to tempt. After a while some tied on different patterns or moved to a fresh swim. This did sometimes bring results but what was noticeable was that if one angler hooked a fish it was not unusual to see several rods bending at the same time around the fishery as if the fish had suddenly switched on.
It is always interesting to compare notes at the end of the days fishing and I often note how an angler will state that a change of fly has triggered a response with perhaps a touch of orange or pink bringing success. A particular fly often seems to be the one to use! Yet it is often the case at the end of fishing as anglers chat that trout have been caught on a wide range of patterns. One angler swearing that white was the killer fly whilst others boast of success with black or orange.
There are many factors involved in the inexact science of fly fishing. Presentation of the fly, its size and colour, depth it is fished all interacting with water clarity, temperature, air pressure, lunar cycles, natural food sources and of course the location of the fish. All these factors make for a fascinating game that takes the mind away from the troubled world. The angler absorbed in natures complex chess board pondering upon tying on a Greenwell’s glory or a Wickham’s fancy.
Tip of the day – Check your flies and hooks. Several trout were lost during the day as hook shanks snapped. Hook shanks hidden beneath dressings can rust resulting in weakness that only show itself when a large powerful trout puts it to the test.
Seconds after this shot was taken Nigel cursed as his hook broke.