1st Darren Polden 58lb 7oz
2nd Kevin Shears 41lb 8oz
3rd Craig Lamey 34lb 2oz
4th Richard Jefferies 29lb 14oz
5th Keith Copland 29lb 2oz
6th Ian Croxton 27lb 9oz
18 fished.
With 3 matches remaining in our year-long league the table has had a good shake up !
The match was fished in heavy drizzle ,
Darren our winner on peg 6 has caught fairly steadily , on meat on the short pole then worm down the edge later.
Kevin on the consistent peg 14, has put together a great net on hard 6mm pellet for second place.
Craig now leads the league by 25 points, his third place on peg 22 was taken on various baits on the long pole.
Richard was fourth on peg 10 fishing with paste on the pole.