Predator 2 Ilfracombe – Species Hunt

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Many thanks to Daniel Welch for this report on the first of two species competitions this Autumn.

Predator 2 Species hunt.

On Monday 2nd September we held our first species hunt on predator. We were joined by 4 anglers and left ilfracombe at 0900 in calm and misty conditions. We headed up channel against the strong ebbing tide to the Combe Martin Bay Area. Conditions were perfect allowing us to accurately anchor the boat and fish with some finesse. 

Species hunting is often a case of fishing as light as possible but not to the extent that you lose any larger species that are hooked. Various rigs from light 8lb paternosters and one ounce weights to heavy 150lb mono running ledgers for larger species. Anglers brought their own baits which included squid, mackerel, ragworm, king rag, lug, crab, limpet, welks, scad, prawns. Different baits and different rigs need to be utilised to exploit the different feeding characteristics of the fish we were targeting. 

The first mark we fished was a shallow reef on the edge of the tide this produced a number of wrasse, pouting, poor cod, rockling and an octopus but not the bream or trigger fish we had hoped for.  We moved slightly further out into more tide and slightly deeper water and fished back towards a large rock. Bigger weights and slightly scaled up gear was used to catch a number of conger eels and Huss as the tide eased expectations were high for possible trigger fish and bream but the bites became few and far between and the rain began to fall. 

We moved again and tried  different tactics of drifting with lures, baits and baited feathers to target bass and pollack. No bass were caught but pollack were taken on baited feathers. Bites were few and far between and after searching around the reef the fish finder confirmed there was very little life on that particular mark today. 

We moved further offshore to anchor on an area of mixed ground for slack water. The anchor was set, the boat swang round with the tide and the mist and cloud began to lift unveiling the surrounding cliffs and coastline. As soon as baits went down the bites began and the sun even tried to come out. Over the next two hours we caught smoothhound, conger, Huss, scad, mackerel pouting, poorcod, dogfish and tope.

As the boat swang round and the tide increase we moved again this time further inshore back into an area of reef that had quite a bit of tide on it but this just produced more of the same species we had already caught earlier in the day. 

The last hour and a half was spent fishing  on clean ground in the sheltered waters inside Combe Martin bay with the hope of ray, flatfish and gurnard. There were a lot of scad over this clean ground and again plenty of poor cod but we did manage some new species which included multiple dragonets and spectacular coloured red mullet and a tub gurnard.

Before we knew it was 15:40 and time to head home, species were tallied up and the winner for the day was Clive Baddick with 15points second was Rob Pearson with 8 points.

Clive took the first place prize which was a £70 voucher for future trips on predator.  In total there was a modest but respectable 16 species different caught and an octopus. 


We are holding another species hunt on Monday the 16th of September if you fancy giving it a go please make contact.