Combe Martin SAC held their AGM and presentation night at the White Lion Inn Braunton on Friday January 26th. The club had enjoyed a successful year in 2023 with members registering a good number of specimen fish. The club are introducing a predator award next season for the member registering the best tope, conger, bull huss and spurdog specimen rating total. The winner will receive a megladon sharks tooth for 12 months from club member Daniel Welch.
Award winner for 2023 were as follows :-
2023 Trophy Winners
Cod Trophy Mark Jones. 6lb 12oz
Bass Trophy David Brooke – 12lb 6oz
Mullet Cup Kyle Bishop = Thin Lipped grey mullet 5lb 3oz 129%
Conger Cup Shane Pavio Hook Way – 23lb 7oz
Flatfish Cup Daniel Welch. Flounder 1lb 9oz
Shore Shield Kyle Bishop tope 61lb 9oz 205%
Medway Cup Mark Jones Porbeagle Shark 151% calculated by formula
Ray Shield Jamie ~Steward small eyed ray – 12lb 13oz
Wrasse Trophy Daniel Welch 5lb
Burgess Trophy Charlie Stanway – ballan wrasse 4lb 15.5oz 110%
Scouse Shield Wayne Thomas – rockling 15oz
D Kyte Award Wayne Thomas 4 mullet total 312%
Out Of Limits Ollie Passmore – ballan wrasse 5lb 6oz

Thornback Cup – Mark Jones 13lb 10oz
Specimen League – Kyle Bishop
Bass 10lb 6oz 129.688%
Bull Huss 15lb 5oz. 153.125%
Spurdog 13lb 3oz. 132%
Thin Lipped grey mullet. 5lb 3oz. 129.688%
Tope 61lb 9oz. 205.208%
Ballan wrasse 4lb 15oz. 109.722%
Total – 859.306%
Runner up Jamie Steward
Top four boat specimens
Mark Jones –
bass | 9lb 1oz | 113.281 | B |
porbeagle | 265lb | 151.43 | B |
tope | 36lb | 90 | B |
pollock | 7lb 4oz | 72.5 | B |
427.211 |
Club Records
Kyle Bishop – Skate 13lb 8oz
Shaun Quartly – blue-mouth 6oz
Kyle Bishop – bull huss 15lb 5oz
Daniel Welch – bonito 3lb 15oz (Boat)
Shane Pavio Hook Way – Thresher Shark – 300lb ( Estimated)
Fish of the season –
Winter 22/23 David Brooke – bull huss 15lb 2oz 151%
Spring 23 Jamie Steward – Gilt head bream 4lb 4oz 141%
Summer 23 Kyle Bishop. Tope 61lb 9oz. 205%
Autumn 223– David Brook. Bass 12lb 6oz 154.688%
Merit Award – Kyle Bishop outstanding catches throughout the year.

The club are also launching an Ilfracombe based species league that will be run in conjunction with keen Ilfracombe anglers
Species competition Format
- Most species wins
- All fish to photographed with captor and proof of location
- Boundaries from lime kiln to Cheyne beach
- CMSAC Club members
- Comp starts 1st of Feb 2024 until December 31st 2024
Subsequent years will be as per calendar year
- Entry for CMSAC members is free as part of membership
- Fishing to club rules – 2 rods, four hooks
9 . Prizes upfront
1st, 2nd , 3rd
Season Ticket for aquarium ( Family TBC)
£25.00 Voucher High Street Tackle
Voucher for local butchers ( TBC)
- Catch a Release encouraged
Entries to be sent to Fish Recorder Wayne Thomas or Toby Bassett.
Photos required clearly showing fish, captor and location.
League will be kept updated by Fish Recorder and in addition to individual entries a tally will kept as a club tally as a collective team effort.
Will try and arrange a few pop up species days throughout the year to encourage social interaction with members.