Bideford and District Angling Club
Evening Pairs Competition

1st Craig Crash Lamey /Roger Ackroy 44lb 7oz
2nd DarrenPolden /Mike Snudden 41lb 8oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy/Antony Bentley 36lb 14oz
4th Martin Turner / David Bailey 34lb 8oz
5th Reg Sutton/Kevin Shears 33lb 11oz
6th Les Polden/ Keith Copland. 33b 10oz
7th Warren Thornton /Nathan Underwood 28lb 5oz
8th Steve Ashton /Richard Jeffries. 27lb 9oz
16 fished
Our run of great weather came to an abrupt end on this the final evening competition of the year, the rain pessisted throughout the whole event, however some great nets were brought to the scales, Craig and Roger’s combined total caught on pegs 1and 15 respectively, was enough to scoop the honours.
Top weight on the night went to Kevin on peg 19 , his 33lb fell to paste on the pole in the lillypads.