A 3lb 8oz Perch John Deprieelle caught from Roadford this weekend. Perch fishing (by boat only) is offered alongside game fishing at Roadford. Purchase your permits and check the rules here: https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/roadford-lake #ItsYourOutdoors
(Below) Steve Dawe caught three specimen bream at 11lb 10oz, 12lb 8oz and 13lb 6oz from Lower Tamar on a recent session.
( Below) Some fantastic catches by Joe Dietrich from Lower Tamar!
He had PBs all-round with a PB common of 31lb 6oz, PB tench of 7lb 10oz and a bream of 13lb

(Below) Ashley Bunning had 3 fish to 28lb 12oz at Lower Tamar last week, all on Nashbait Scopex Squid wafters over a bed of 20mm Scopex Squid freebies.

New carp fishing spot alert!
This May and September, we will be introducing carp fishing at Roadford Lake. This is an ideal, naturally beautiful location, just off the A30, perfect for anglers living in both Devon and Cornwall.
This will be a trial venture in a designated area at the lake, including 12 swims.
Find out more and book: https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/roadford-lake-carp