Many thanks to Rodney Wevill for the report below.
The Fluff Chuckers Yeti brown trout bank event was held on Roadford Lake on April 8th..
The weather forecast had been showing bright sun all day and that was going to make things a little more difficult.
But the day was warm with sun but a nice bit of cloud cover especially during the afternoon.
Anglers met at 8.30am for a 9.00am start in the main car park.
It was good to see many like minded anglers from Bristol, North Somerset, North Devon and from deep down in Cornwall with the same attitude, have a good fun day and if we catch a good one then we might even win a prize.
We fished from all different sections of Roadfords bank and what stunning country side surrounded us.
The fishing was steady in the morning but the afternoon seen a lot more fish to the nets.
A total of 80 Brown Trout were caught and all safely released for another day.
The competitive side of us boys started to show, all trying to find a bigger fish or just another one to the net before the 5pm finish.
We met back at the main car park to tally up the score cards and it was soon very obvious that things where going to be very tight indeed.
The longest fish was between Roger Truscott and Jack Welshman with Jack sneaking it by a couple of millimetres.
The most fish to the net was also extremely tight
With Simon Peters catching 16 fish and piping Mr consistent Roger Truscott by one fish with Wayne Thomas one behind that with 14 fish.
So a cheery end to a great day with some wonderful fishing with a great set of anglers.

Final results
Longest fish Overall winner
Jack Welshman
Runner up
Roger Truscott
Pete Williams
Most fish caught winner
Simon Peters
Runner up
Roger Truscott.
Fluff Chuckers- Fly Fishing Fanatics would like to thank YETI for there help with the prizes for the event.
Trout Fishing South West Lakes Trust for their help and prizes
All that came and supported another great event
Notes from the waters edge :- My first trip to fish for trout on this large lake that supplies water for most of North Devon. Despite a wet Spring the lake is still well below top water level and If we get another dry summer prospects are concerning. I very much enjoyed the day finding plenty of brown trout that gave a good account on the light 5wt rod I was using. Most fish took a small black pennel fished on a dropper, my standard set up for early season brown trout being a small black lure on the point and two small black flies as droppers.
Always good to meet up with fellow fluff Chuckers. Special thanks to head chucker Rodney Wevill