Tarka Swims, George’s lake.
Results :
1st Colin Cherrington 33lb 4oz
2nd Richard Jefferies 30lb 15oz
3rd Christopher Morris 30lb 1oz
4th Keith Mountjoy 23lb 12oz
5th Nathan Underwood 22lb 11oz
6th Bill Crossman 21lb 6oz .

Today’s totals
Bideford 199lb 13oz Plymouth 113lb 1oz
Overall, home plus away total
Bideford 555lb Plymouth 407lb
20 fished
The home team ,of 10, filled the top 2spots . Colin has fished the margins on peg 14 with maggot for the winning net, Richard,BDAC , has fished his favourite method, paste in the weedbed on 12, for his all carp second place net.
Chris representing PDCAC came a close third on his first visit to Tarka pole tactics on peg 22.
The venue has fished quite hard for some, the weather has remained dry and warm.
We , BDAC ,hope everyone enjoyed the day and hope to continue the fixture into next year’s calendar.