Spring time on the North Devon Coast is often a lean time for the shore angler with fish hard to find. Anglers often move out of the area to find winning fish. Bull huss are probably the best chance of a good sized specimen from the North Devon shoreline. A trip to Somerset is often worth a try at this time for with ray and huss found even during daylight in the murky waters above the County boundary.
Bideford Angling Club
March rover results
1st Nathan Clements Bull Huss 12lb 5oz 123.125%
2nd Nathan Clements Bull Huss 7lb 5oz 73.125%
3rd Stephen Found Dog 1lb 15oz 1/4
Next competition 24 hour 19/20 March
Appledore Shipbuilders
13 members fished the March Rover. Only 2 fish were recorded at the weigh in.
Both fell to James Atkinson.
James’s winning fish was a fantastic Thornback Ray of 10lb 9ozs and his second fish was a lovely Plaice of 1lb 7 1/4ozs.
Well done James and all that fished.

Combe Martin SAC
1st – Rob Sciones -bull huss 8lb 13oz