Congratulations to Joe Drury who has set a new Devon Record with a stunning carp from Anglers Paradise Kracking Carp Lake. I have posted the below direct from the Custom Made Rigs Facebook Page.
Once again well done Joe who I know has a very difficult time and deserves this stunning capture.

I rarely set my targets on a particular fish, but this trip was different!
Like many anglers and friends, myself and Matt were well overdue a social. What with the recent world issues and our own health problems, we hadn’t fished together for a few years.
We decided the ‘Krackin Carp Lake’ on ‘Anglers Nirvana’ at Anglers Paradise would be the most suitable. There’s now stone chipped swims which was an important deciding factor. Natural is nice, but not suitable for anglers with disabilities. Unfortunately I have to put myself in that category these days, a level chipped swim has now become a must.
Although the ‘Krackin Carp’ is just down the road to where I live, I hadn’t seen the lake for a long time (years)! However I have a lot of knowledge on the water and the fish that reside in it.
Over dinner the night before my sons (Zaine and Zeejay) were asking questions about the lake. I explained that it was a hard water with Carp that don’t have the same feeding habits as most. I told them about a male fish aptly named ‘Silver Back’, and how I believe it should be at its best weight. With an arrogance that’s been missing from my fishing for atleast 6 years, I said, “it’s the only fish I’m interested in, it’s a mid 50, the biggest in the lake, and that’s why I want it!” I say it’s an arrogance because when you talk this way it comes across that you wouldn’t be grateful for anything less. Not true of course, they’re all welcome! I’ve needed to find a way to install some confidence, and setting that target was the ingredient I needed.
I had previously said to Marti that I’m so grateful to be back on the bank with all the help from friends that catching fish had become secondary, but I needed to get my confidence back. A recent interview I did with Kev Hewitt Angler reminded me just how important confidence is. I’ve said it a million times before, “confidence catches”! Practicing what I preach hadn’t been coming easy.
Retuning to the lake after many years felt good. I felt comfortable and confident. Although I had set a target, I didn’t feel any pressure. Matt and I had prepped well. We were confident in our bait choice too. Both of us had opted to use ‘Monster Tiger Nut’ by Dynamite Baits, crumbed up with sweetcorn. We chose to match our hook bait with our mix so we used ‘Sweet Tiger & Corn’ pop-ups (also from Dynamite Baits). Both the rig and the crumb were shipped out to the spots using a homemade baiting pole and spoon!
At 4.30am on Saturday morning I made a call to Matt. “Mate….I’ve just landed ‘Silver Back’!” His reply was predictable
! He came over with an excitement in his stroll. I swear he was more excited and nervous than me!

Silver Back weighed in at a record 55lb, a new personal best, the complex record carp and the biggest carp ever caught in Devon.
After having fishing taken away from me to this! Fishing is an incredible sport; the highs, the lows, the stories, THE LIFE!!
The response has been incredible!
The support from my wife has been essential!
Thank you everyone 
