The estuary flounder season has been one of the best for several seasons with both quality and quantities’ of flatfish. Appledore Shipbuilders Christmas Competition attracted a field of 31 anglers. The winning fish was caught by Junior angler Max Peake who landed a fine flounder of 1lb 133/4oz. In runner up spot was Junior angler Cleo Babb with a flounder of 1lb 12oz. Cameron Atkinson took third and forth with flounder of 1lb 91/2oz and 1lb 91/4oz. Fifth was Jack Pike with a flounder of 1lb 83/4oz.

Dennis Toleman secured first prize in Triple Hook Clubs Flounder Open with a flounder scaling 1lb 93/4oz. Joan Cairns was runner up with a flounder of 1lb 71/2oz.
(Below) Antony Smith won Bideford Angling Clubs twenty-four hour Rover with a spurdog scaling 7lb 141/2oz. Nathan Clements was runner up with a dogfish of 1lb 131/2oz.
I expect to see some good fish caught from the Open coast over the coming weeks with spurdog, bull Huss, big conger and tope all likely.