Globe trotting Zyg Gregorek sent this account of his recent adventure in Cape Verde,
I have just returned from Cape Verde after Marlin. We had nothing on the
first couple of days on the third day I am proud to say I had the biggest,
longest and fattest Marlin I have ever seen.
It took the mackerel lure and sped off into the sunset , after well over an
hour and a half of being in the fighting chair the fish jumped many times.
After having three fish over 900 lbs in the past this was the most
aggressive. We managed to get it close to the Boat the crew managed to get
hold of the leader the fish then turned and nearly yanked him over board so
he had to let go This happened a couple of times eventually we managed to
get it alongside, grab the leader and held on ,as I turned to get my camera
the Marlin again thrashed out and straightened the hook and escaped .
The next day gave us a couple more Marlin. Jim Williams had his fist ever
Blue Marlin estimated at around 500lbs and Stan Paradowski had another Blue
Marlin about 700lbs.
Four days fishing we blanked for two day and had three Marlin in the last
two days all being personnel best fish
Best Fishes