A quick round up of the last weeks news received whilst I was away fishing in Norway where we sampled some supreme sport landing many fine fish. Mackerel are now starting to show in greater numbers with several quality bass landed. There is news from the Welsh shoreline of a shore caught porbeagle shark an amazing feat of angling. It was good to see that the anglers released the fish at the waters edge resisting the temptation to drag it ashore for a trophy shot. A porbeagle from the shore has to be a possibility from the North Devon coast but would require time, determination and a slice of luck. I remember reading article on Jack Shine who famously landed several porbeagle from the West coast of Ireland.
Nathan Clements secured the top two places in the latest North Devon League heat landing a fine smoothound of 13lb 1/4oz and another of 12lb 21/4oz. Third place was taken by Graham Snow with a thin-lipped mullet of 3lb 121/4oz. Nathan and Graham were both fishing for Bideford “A” team.
David Atkinson fished on Teddie Boy out of Minehead and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with a fine smoothound of 20lb 8ozs.

Bideford& District Angling Club member Nathan Clements enjoyed an action packed session after smoothound landing six fish including four double figure fish the best two weighing 12lb 15oz and 12lb.
Combe Martin Sea Angling Club member Graham Snow fished the Taw estuary to tempt a fine brace of thin lipped grey mullet scaling 4lb 1oz and 3lb 13oz. Fellow club member Shaun Quartly also enjoyed success landing a personal best bass of 9lb 1oz. Kevin Legge landed a bass of 9lb 2oz that was tempted using Ammo mackerel.