South Molton Anglers Off Ilfracombe

I joined South Molton Angling Club for a trip out of Ilfracombe aboard Bluefins skippered by John Barbeary. On assembling on the boat we discussed our options for the day. We could head out to Lundy and target tope and pollock or perhaps fish closer to our own coast targeting bass, tope, huss and conger. It was one of the biggest tides of the year and the big tides had coloured the water raising a question mark over the likelihood of good lure fishing for bass,

After a short discussion we decided to fish closer inshore hoping for tope in Woolacombe Bay followed by a session after bass over a reef and then to anchor at various marks for some general bottom fishing.

It was one the club members first boat fishing trips so even a dogfish brought a broad smile to the face of George Belcher-Truss  as he swung it aboard. A few huss followed with Andy Gray and Ed Rands boating huss of close to 10lb.

As the tide eased away we  moved a couple of times and at each mark enjoyed sport with huss and small conger.

A move to fish a reef saw several scad brought to the boat but no bass. The scad were welcome as fresh bait to tempt tope on our next session at anchor.

Stephen Edmunds swings in a string full of scad.

The next mark at anchor saw Richard Power boat a pleasing tope of around 25lb that gave a good account of itself. Several other fish were hooked at this mark but managed to shake the hook free.

As the tide pull increased John suggested a quick drift over a wreck where he had received reports of pollock. This proved to be unproductive.

John was undoubtedly frustrated at the lack of fish in numbers and tried several marks in an attempt to locate feeding fish.A few more huss were tempted over rough ground close to the rugged and spectacular More Point.

John Barbeary ponders another move.

With warm sunshine and a calming sea it was good to be afloat off the spectacular North Devon Coast, a Coast that can at times be challenging with fish hard to find. Fishing is often unpredictable with each season different. I chatted with John about this summers season and John told of a good summer with large numbers of mackerel in June and July bringing back memories of the good old days. The next couple of month offer the chance of good tope, bass and constant good numbers of Bull Huss.



Bideford & Appledore Shipbuilders May Rover Results

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May rover results 

13 angler’s fished 5 fish caught 

1st Stephen Found Bull Huss 15lb 4 1/2oz  152.812%

2nd Nathan Clements Thornback Ray 7lb 12 1/2oz 86.485%

3rd Paul Ackland Smoothound 7lb 10 1/2oz 76.562%

4th Stephen Found Spotted Ray  3lb 4oz 72.222%

5th Antony Smith Thornback Ray 6lb 7oz 71.527%

Appledore Shipbuilders May Rover

12 Anglers fished the May Rover . Jazza John took the honours with a Smoothound of 8lb 6 1/2ozs. Second place went to Richard Boon with another Smoothound of 7lb 9ozs and Third was Chris Slade, also with a Smoothound of 7lb 8 1/2ozs.

Massive bull huss wins Bideford Competition

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Andrew Clements won Bideford Angling Clubs twenty-four hour rover with a massive Bull Huss scaling 15lb 11.25oz. The fish was caught from a North Devon rock mark and is one of the biggest huss caught from the North Devon coast in recent decades.


March 24 hour results 

1st Andrew Clements  Bull Huss 15lb 11oz 1/4 157.031%

2nd Antony Smith Dog 2lb 3oz 72.916%

3rd Antony Smith Dog  2lb 2oz  1/2 71.875%


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Spring time on the North Devon Coast is often a lean time for the shore angler with fish hard to find. Anglers often move out of the area to find winning fish. Bull huss are probably the best chance of a good sized specimen from the North Devon shoreline. A trip to Somerset is often worth a try at this time for with ray and huss found even during daylight in the murky waters above the County boundary.

Bideford Angling Club 

March rover results 

1st Nathan Clements Bull Huss 12lb 5oz 123.125%

2nd Nathan Clements Bull Huss 7lb 5oz 73.125%

3rd Stephen Found Dog 1lb 15oz 1/4

Next competition 24 hour  19/20 March

Appledore Shipbuilders

13 members fished the March Rover. Only 2 fish were recorded at the weigh in.
Both fell to James Atkinson.
James’s winning fish was a fantastic Thornback Ray of 10lb 9ozs and his second fish was a lovely Plaice of 1lb 7 1/4ozs.
Well done James and all that fished.

          Combe Martin SAC


1st – Rob Sciones -bull huss 8lb 13oz