Its been a difficult winter on North Devon’s rocky shoreline but persistance and local knowledge paid off for Combe Martin SAC’s members Kevin Legge and David Brooke who have landed several specimen spurdog and bull huss during recent sessions.

Bidefords 48-hour sea Rover results
1st Jon Stevens Bull Huss 12lb 13.5oz 128.437%
2nd Richard Jefferies Bull Huss 12lb 12oz 127.5%
The 2024 AGM of the BDAC will be held at the Bideford Con Club on November 15th @ 19:30 for 20:00 prompt start. Please note all proposals for change of rules or applications to join the committee in any capacity must be put in writing to the club secretary Mervyn Beal, with the name of a seconder to [email protected] by 23:59 on the 25/10/24 Due to the retirement of our Tarka manager Steve Bailey and Karen’s Lake secretary Jake England we need to elect members to take their positions, these are both big jobs that are vital to the running of our Tarka complex, and it’s no exaggeration to say that failure to fill the Tarka Managers post will have a great impact on the running and well keeping of the whole site. For more information on these posts please contact Steve or Jake who will explain what’s required. Could you ALL please make an effort to attend, there is a minimum number of people needed to form a quorum, and to make decisions on rules / fees etc. Hope to see you all there. Pete Skinner Club Chairman. |
Mid October and the chance to get a trip out on Predator 2 with fellow Combe Martin SAC member Daniel Welch was too good to miss. Also on board was Dans wife Lyn and James Gubb-Fradgley. With light South Easterly winds forecast we set out from Ilfracombe Harbour at 12:30pm with a loose plan to do a bit of lure fishing and then drop the anchor.
The calm sea reflected the steel grey of the sky as we headed West. Dan had enjoyed some sport a few days previously fishing close into the cliffs West of Ilfracombe and so we headed to the same area. The boat was manoeuvred into position and we cast our lures towards the rocky shore.
Bass were our target, but it was a pollock of around four pounds that smashed into my fiiish-black-minnow.
We persevered for twenty minutes or so and had a few small garfish follow our lures but no other fish of note. We then headed out to a reef offshore and had several drifts with no success despite seeing some substantial images on the fish finder. With just one small bass to Dan we decided to head back towards Ilfracombe and anchor up over a gulley that dissects an area of rough ground.
It was good to relish the quiet expectation that arrives when the engines are cut and the boat settles at anchor. We sent down big fish baits and hoped to connect with a late season tope.
After a few dogfish and a small huss. James had a tentative rattle and decided to check his bait. He let out an exclamation as he glimpsed a large shape following his bait to the surface. A good sized tope estimated at 50lb to 60lb swerved away at the last moment disappearing back into the steely green waters.
This sighting enhanced the sense of expectation as we all tensed waiting for the next bite that could signal connection with the big tope. Deciding to check my bait I lifted the rod from the rod holder and suddenly felt a savage tug the rod tip folding over as what I assumed was a tope seized the bait. Caught off guard I had not let the fish take the bait properly and connection was brief the mackerel head and flank showing a row of lacerations from razor sharp teeth.
A fresh bait was sent back down and within a minute or so I felt a savage pull, I allowed a few yards of line to be taken before tightening the drag and winding into the fish. The rod hooped over and several yards were begrudgingly given before the fish succumbed to heavy pressure as I coaxed it towards the surface. A good sized tope appeared boat-side and was swiftly netted by Dan who was kept busy as Lyn Welch brought a similar sized tope to the boat and waiting net.
James was next into action with the tope bringing another similar sized fish estimated at between 25lb and 30lb.
As the tide eased we expected more tope but it seemed that the pack had moved on or gone off the feed.
A steady succession of bull huss were then caught; the biggest probably nudging double figures. Huss are undoubtedly a good fish to photograph with their spotted flanks resembling the colours of a leopard.
As the tide picked up bites started to ease and with a chill East wind whipping down the channel we reeled up our baits and headed back to Ilfracombe. These short sessions over the top of the tide are often as rewarding as a full day with the fishing concentrated into the peak fishing time.
Talk of next seasons plans were already being discussed with some longer ventures a possibility. In these changing seas the prospects for boat fishing are exciting.
1st Andrew Clements Bull Huss 12lb 9oz 125.625%
2nd Graham Snow Thicklipped Mullet 3lb 6oz 84.375%
3rd Graham Snow Thicklipped Mullet 3lb 4oz 81.250%
Combe Martin SAC member Kyle Bishop braved stormy conditions to bank a superb brace of specimens including a new club record bull huss of 15lb 5oz and a tope of 46lb 2oz.
Banging trip out last month in the 50mph storm headed to ruff ground mark in search of a big Huss on my own , giving 4m swells I armed my self with a life jacket and a shit load of leads , after losing a load of gear was gonna head home when my rod arched over and line peeled off after a good few attempts to land the tope I finally managed to get a grip on its tale in between the massive swells she went 46.2 , quick pic and back she went ,next cast I landed an absolute beast of a Huss going 15.5 and new pb after struggling to land that as well I was happy to call it a day as swells were to dangerous , take some beating a trip like that on my own.